[code:1]more /etc/apt/sources.list.stable
# /etc/apt/sources.list for debian stable(woody)
# read sources.list(5) for more information.
# or you can use http instead of ftp.
# this file fit stable(woody) only.
deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian stable main non-free contrib
deb-src ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian stable main non-free contrib
deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-non-US stable/non-US main non-free contrib
deb-src ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-non-US stable/non-US main non-free contrib
deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian proposed-updates main contrib non-free
deb-src ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian proposed-updates main contrib non-free
deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-security stable/updates main
# If you want to use kde-3.1 for woody, uncoment next line
#deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-uo/kde31-woody stable main
deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-uo/gnome2.2-woody ./
deb-src ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-uo/gnome2.2-woody ./
deb http://download.kde.org/stable/3.1/Debian stable main
deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-uo/xfree86-4.3/i386 ./
#deb http://mirrors.evilgeniuses.org.uk/debian/backports/woody gnome2.2/
#deb-src http://mirrors.evilgeniuses.org.uk/debian/backports/woody gnome2.2/
#debian用户建议从下面的apt source安装:
#deb http://marillat.free.fr/ unstable main
#deb http://marillat.free.fr/ testing main
#deb http://marillat.free.fr/ stable main
[code:1]more /etc/apt/sources.list.testing
# /etc/apt/sources.list for debian testing(sarge)
# read sources.list(5) for more information.
# or you can use http instead of ftp.
# this file fit testing(sarge) only.
deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian testing main non-free contrib
deb-src ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian testing main non-free contrib
deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-non-US testing/non-US main non-free contrib
deb-src ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-non-US testing/non-US main non-free contrib
deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-security testing/updates main
deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-uo/kde31-woody stable main
# If you want to use kde-3.1 for woody, uncoment next line
deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-uo/kde31-woody stable main
#deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-uo/gnome2.2-woody ./
#deb-src ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-uo/gnome2.2-woody ./
deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-uo/xfree86-4.3/i386 ./
[code:1]more /etc/apt/sources.list.unstable
# /etc/apt/sources.list for debian unstable(sid)
# read sources.list(5) for more information.
# or you can use http instead of ftp.
# this file fit unstable(sid) only.
deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian unstable main non-free contrib
deb-src ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian unstable main non-free contrib
deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-non-US unstable/non-US main non-free contrib
deb-src ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-non-US unstable/non-US main non-free contrib
# If you want to use experimental, uncoment next two lines.
#deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian ../project/experimental main
#deb-src ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian ../project/experimental main
# If you want to use blackdown java for linux, uncoment next two lines.
#deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-uo/java/debian unstable main non-free
#deb-src ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-uo/java/debian unstable main non-free
# If you want to use some misc unofficial packages, uncoment next line.
#deb ftp://debian.ustc.edu.cn/debian-uo/misc ./
debian.ustc.edu.cn去看看。我在那里下载的速度还很快的。 |