我在 Tomas M 的 Blog 里看到,据称支持PAE的Slax 6.1.2 将会被命名为 Slax 6.2.2.
但是我等了巨长时间,也没有等到新版本出来,但是我又想用新版的 内核,Slax 6.2.0 的内核还跟 Slax 6.0.9 一样,是 的,有点老,呵呵,于是只好自己动手做了,没办法,谁让我的本子是4G内存呢。
Build the kernel enable PAE support fro Slax 6.1.2
You need download all scripts and sources from ftp://ftp.slax.org/source/slax/kernel/
Boot system with Slax 6.1.2 (Kernel
Put all scripts and sources to
open file "/usr/src/config" and edit it
# CONFIG_M486=y
CONFIG_M586 is not set
Change it to
# CONFIG_M486=y
Change this line and next line like this
# CONFIG_HIGHMEM4G is not set
Add next line
OK, Save this file, run there's command
cp /usr/src/config /usr/src/linux-
cp /usr/src/config /boot/.config
(I'm not very sure this is should be do, but I did it)
open a new terminal and run this command:
cd /usr/src
chmod +x build.kernel
chmod +x get-aufs-cvs.sh
chmod +x prepare-crippled-kernel-sources
chmod +x scripts/rc.modules
The scripts will be ask you a few questions, just answer "Y", But some question's end is (new),you just enter.
At last ,the scripts will be report a error and exit.
Don't be worry it, you just copy this scripts to a new file and chmod it 777.(exp: The file name is build.fix)
cd $TMP
mkdir -p $PKG/usr/bin
cp $TMP/$SQUASHFS/squashfs-tools/{mk,un}squashfs $PKG/usr/bin
strip --strip-unneeded $PKG/usr/bin/*
cd $PKG/lib/modules/*
rm -f modules.*
mkdir -p kernel/fs/squashfs/
cp $TMP/$LZMA/C/Compress/Lzma/kmod/{un,sq}lzma.ko kernel/fs/squashfs/
cp $TMP/$KERNEL/fs/squashfs/squashfs.ko kernel/fs/squashfs/
mkdir -p $PKG/boot
cp .config $PKG/boot/
cp arch/i386/boot/bzImage $PKG/boot/vmlinuz
mkdir -p $PKG/etc/rc.d/
cp $TMP/scripts/rc.modules $PKG/etc/rc.d/
cd $PKG
cd ..
dir2lzm $KERNEL $KERNEL.lzm
At after, you run this command :
OK, A new kernel build was finish, and this kernel was supported PAE.
The new kernel was put in /tmp, name is linux-
And new kernel directory is put to /tmp/linux-
But! it still can not boot your system.
Now you need remake a new bootable system .
Copy two files to /tmp ,
(Path to your boot disk)/slax/modules/1-001.core.lzm
(Path to your boot disk)/boot/initrd.gz
in first step, I try to remake initrd.gz, Open a terminal run these command:
cd /tmp
mkdir i
mknod /dev/loop100 b 7 100
gzip -d initrd.gz
mount initrd i
Then I use two konqueror to find and replace some files in /tmp/i with new files from /tmp/linux-
Find the files in need initrd , and copy new files from /tmp/linux- to replace the old files.
Don't forget these have two lzm file in initrd (usr.lzm and drivers.lzm), you need unpack there's file and replace the files inside to new files from /tmp/linux-
When you all be down, run this command
cd /tmp
umount i
gzip -9 initrd
OK, A new boot file was maked finish
copy the file initrd.gz to your boot disk /boot replace the old file
the next , you need unpack the 1-001-core.lzm
Same with initrd.gz file, you just copy new files from directory /tmp/linux- to directory /tmp/1-001-core to replace the old file.
When you complete, you rebuild 1-001-core.lzm, and copy it to your boot disk to replace the old file.
At this time , the works still not finished, you need copy a new kernel image to your boot disk /boot
this file was puted in(and named)
copy it to
(Path to your bootdisk)/boot
replace the old file.
At last time , I think you may want to backup the file: /tmp/linux-
Good luck! |