what partiton and directory on that partiton hold the cd (iso9660)images for red hat linux?if u don't see the disk u r using listed here,press F2 to configure additional devices.
diretory holding images:---------------------
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我到這里了,我該怎麽辦呢?我的安裝文件5CD分別放在E:\LIN LIN1 LIN2 LIN3 LIN4里面。可以嗎?
1) what u mean '文件解壓後'? u download which type of file? iso? u uncompress to which type of file?
2) u use which file system, fat32 or ntfs for e?
3) can u put all 5 iso files under e:/, enter '/' in directory hold images, and choose /dev/hda5 6, 7 one by one?
[quote:76b0aa5137="xuzubo"]1,我下載的文件:shrike-i386-disc1.iso。我用WINZIP工具解壓放在E:\LIN目錄下。DISK2。ISO放在LIN1,DISK3 放在LIN2。。。。。
2,我在硬盤剛被我DM,C區8G。C,D ,E,F格式都為FAT32
diretory holding images:E:\LIN\IMAGES\BOOT.IMG *輸入*
提示:error failed to read directpry /tmp /dh/hd image/e:\lin\images\boot.img:no such file or directory.[/quote]
u need not uncompress the iso file u downlaoded. try this. put all iso files under e:/, enter '/' in directory hold images, and choose /dev/hda5 6, 7 one by one. should be ok. btw, do u reserve some space for linux?
u need a swap partition and a root partition at least. so when u install, delete that c and creat two new ones.