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发表于 2003-5-20 18:00:40 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

New: A statistics generator for html and welcome.msg.
April 03 HD change completed.
Thanks to Nestor Diaz for the program icons and the weblogo.

GProftpd is a fast and easy to use
GNOME administration tool for the
Proftpd standalone server.

If you are a new user in the GNU/Linux world, first make sure you read some manuals and howtos
about what a ftp server is and what security problems its setup implies.
This is one place of many where you can get some good information:
Proftpd information

Download proftpd >= 1.2.8 from www.proftpd.org and unpack it like this:
tar -zxvf proftpd-x.x.x.tar.gz and cd into that directory then type:
./configure --prefix=/usr --sysconfdir=/etc && make && make install
If there are no errors youre ready to install gproftpd wich can be done like this:

If you have an old version of gproftpd installed you must remove it first.
whereis gproftpd will tell you where it is.

Download gproftpd >= 8.0.3 and unpack it like this:
tar -zxvf gproftpd-x.x.x.tar.gz and cd into that directory then type:
./Autoinstall (if you like the settings in it).
Remove the example configuration like this:
rm -f /etc/proftpd.conf (gproftpd will then add its own default configuration).
Now you should be able to start it by typing gproftpd at a shellprompt or
from GNOME or KDE's program menus and youre ready to add some users.

If you compiled proftpd from sources and you want/need to use the gproftpd rpm, do this:
rpm -ivh --force --nodeps gproftpd*.rpm

If you didnt configure using --sysconfdir=/etc and want proftpd to start when the system starts
you need to specify where the configuration file is located like this:
proftpd -c /etc/proftpd.conf in the startup file otherwise
it might be started using the example configuration which can be a security risk.

To add a directory in Linux thats not under a users toplevel directory you can do this:
mount --bind /some/directory /home/ftp/make_this_destination_directory_first

The Rate* directives has been deprected in proftpd >= 1.2.8, use these instead:
TransferRate RETR 30
TransferRate STOR 30
TransferRate STOU 30
TransferRate APPE 30
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