编译完模块以后, 调用insmod报错, 请问是什么原因? 我编译过内核, 但是现在环境还是原来的内核, 是否有影响? 错误如下:
scull.o: unresolved symbol register_chrdev_R2a2dc53f
scull.o: unresolved symbol __pollwait_Rb64ed266
scull.o: unresolved symbol add_wait_queue_Rd7a37073
scull.o: unresolved symbol remove_wait_queue_R8afe976f
scull.o: unresolved symbol fasync_helper_R561e0541
scull.o: unresolved symbol kill_fasync_Rd9552023
Hint: You are trying to load a module without a GPL compatible license
and it has unresolved symbols. The module may be trying to access
GPLONLY symbols but the problem is more likely to be a coding or
user error. Contact the module supplier for assistance, only they
can help you. |