发表于 2004-5-10 03:05:58
0. Install Chinese language support from installation source if you have not done so
1. Copy Windows fonts (simsun.ttf, tahoma.ttf etc.) in /usr/share/fonts/zh_CN/TrueType
a. Use fc-list to check the installed fonts
2. Edit /etc/fonts/fonts.conf and add the fonts (backup first). See other post about how to add the Windows fonts
3. Change language during login to Chinese
4. Change fonts in the applications
a. kde: change all fonts to "sans" or "SimSun" except for "monospace" with size of 11
b. mozilla: for chinese choose "sans", "serif", or "SimSun" and "monospace" with size of 13
c. xmms: choose "SimSun" font plus "*-r-*"
d. konsole: choose "lucidatypewriter" font with size of 11
5. Install scim and edit /etc/X11/xinit/xinitrc.d/xinput to start the input daemon at startup (search for other post)
6. Ctrl+Space to switch input between English and Chinese
7. For gtk program, edit /etc/gtk/gtkrc.zh_CN and replace the original fonts to "SimSun" font plus "*-r-*"
8. If the spacing between the English characters is too wide, edit /etc/fonts/fonts.conf
<match target="font">
<test target="pattern" name="lang" compare="contains">
<edit name="spacing">
<edit name="globaladvance">
</match> |