Reading config file /usr/local/etc/mplayer/mplayer.conf
Reading config file /root/.mplayer/config
[cfg] read config file: /root/.mplayer/gui.conf
Reading config file /root/.mplayer/gui.conf
vo: X11 running at 1024x768 with depth 24 and 32 bpp (":0.0" => local display)
Reading /root/.mplayer/codecs.conf: 73 audio & 180 video codecs
font: can't open file: /root/.mplayer/font/font.desc
font: can't open file: /usr/local/share/mplayer/font/font.desc
Input config file /root/.mplayer/input.conf parsed: 53 binds
SKIN dir 1: '/root/.mplayer/Skin'
SKIN dir 2: '/usr/local/share/mplayer/Skin'
cmd: 20
The font "-adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-*-*-iso8859-1,
-*-*-medium-r-normal--16-*-*-*-*-*-gb2312.1980-0,*-r-*" does not support all the required character sets for the current locale "zh_CN.GBK"
(Missing character set "GBK-0")
cmd: 2 没办法,只好退出!
正在退出... (Exit)
[root@pc2002 root]