Sorry first for I can not inout Chinese here, which do not mean I do not wanna to, because there may be something wrong with my system. After surfing on net reading and finding articles about linux, I find two most useful links for linux freshman.
1. www.chinaitlab.com: here you can find thousands of useful article, books and movies about linux.
2.http://public.planetmirror.com/pub/fedora/linux/core/1/i386/iso/ :here you can download the best edition of linux with flashget. The process of downloading is very fast with flshget. Totally I download the all three isoes in just 90 minutes. The isoes are Fedora 1, core 2.4. I suppose this edition is the best edition for linux freshma. The following are my reasons:
a. easy to displsy Chinese in Linux withe the line "/dev/hdax /mnt/filename auto iocharset=cp936 0 0"
b. no problem to display Chinese in gedit.
c. more beautiful than rh9 and faster than fedora.
d. no problem to display Chinese in openoffice and this edition has a word processor to deal with the doc files.
d. much stable I suppose
Sorry for my awkward English! |