Booting 'Fedora Core (2.6.5-1.35 '
root (hd0,10)
Filesystem type is ext2fs , partition type 0x83
kernel /boot/vmlinuz -2.6.5-1.358 ro root=LABLE=/ rhgb.quiet
[linux -bz Image ,setup=0x1400,size=0x1235b7]
initrd /Boot/initrd-2.6.5-1.358.img
[Linux -initrd @ 0xffb1000,0x2e546 bytes]
Uncompressing Linux... OK,booting th(kernel)
agpgrart:Detected an Intel i815 Chipset,but could not find the secondary device.
Red Hat nash version 3.5.22 starting
pivotroot: pivot_root (/sysroot,/sysroot/initrd) failed:2
umount /initrd/proc failed:2
Kernel panic:No init found.Try passing init=opiton to kernel |