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发表于 2002-12-18 00:26:03 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
ReadMe file for the
Intel v90 Data/Fax Host Accelerated Modem (HaM)

1. Installation
2. Instructions for Debian Users
3. File Descriptions
4. International Users
5. Beta Tester appreciation
6. Comments, ideas, problems, fixes


3 steps to install

1. Type: make clean
2. Type: make all
3. Type: make install

The installation script has been designed for the following distributions release versions
debian_version (including Corel)
Unknown distributions install driver in a redhat-release style.

Please examine the haminst script if you have a different distribution.

The driver is split in two.  A ham serial driver and core driver.
The core driver must be loaded first since the serial driver depends on it.
The serial driver registers itself as character device major number 240, minor number 1.
The serial driver takes one argument right now, which is a number to override the default major number if you need to.

The eratta.html has useful information concerning both positive and
negative driver issues.


the file /usr/include/linux/modversions.h does not exist in debian 2.2
you must comment out the #include<linux/modversion.h> line from both hamdefs.h files
in the HaM source code for it to compile.


haminst                installation script to install HaM modules and supporting files

files copied to /lib/modules/(kernel-version)/misc
hamcore.o        driver core code module
ham.o                pseudo serial driver for HaM, depends on hamcore.o

files copied to  /etc/rc.d/...  (path differes per distribution)
hamboot                boot scrip to start and stop HaM modules

files copied to /usr/sbin
hamtool                a GUI that assists in the country selection for homologation purposes
hamcfg                hamcfg is the "registry" like tool that the modem uses to get and store persistant data
                such as county info and profile strings.

files copied to /etc
hamdata                file that stores persistant data for modem.


if hamcfg currently depends on gnome libraries.
if you do not have gnome installed then you will
have to put an extra command in your 'AT' init string.

the commmand to change country setting is "AT+GCI="
the command takes a t.35 country code in hexadecimal.
here is a list of currently supported t.35 country codes:

if you are a CTR-21 country I think you should be able to
choose a CTR-21 country on the list and be ok.  but
that's no guarantee.

country code  , t.35 code
USA 1, b5
JPN 81, 00
GBR 44, b4
DEU 49, 42
SWE 46, a5
DNK 45, 31
FIN 358, 3c
NOR 47, 82
AUT 43, 0a
CHE 41, a6
RUS 7, b8
AUS 61, 09
MYS 60, 6c
CHN 86, 26
BEL 32, 0f
CYP 357, 2d
FRA 33, 3d
GRC 30, 46
ISL 354, 52
IRL 353, 57
ISR 972, 58
ITA 39, 59
LIE 423, 68
LUX 352, 69
NLD 31, 7b
PRT 351, 8b
ESP 34, a0

5  Thanks to the following beta testers for their valuable input and suggestions.
   January 2 - 26, 2001

Sean Walbran
Rob Clark
Marvin Stodolsky
Dominique Duval
Roman Krais
Ulrich Guenther
Marcelino Viana Pinheiro
Thomas S. Iversen
Jospeh Teichman
Michel Bartolone (MED)
Ramon Gonzalez Montoiro
Ryoji Kawagishi
Torsten Vogel
Ian Carr-de Avelon
Helga Weindl
Ed Casas
Bernhard Hoelcker
Alexander "Sasha" Voytov
Albert Woo
Peter Hirschmann

6  Comments, ideas, problems, fixes:
please contact

Dorian S. Araneda ([email protected])
Product Engineer, Host Accelerated Modem (HaM) Team
Intel Corporation, Modem Silicon Operations (MSO)
www.intel.com   www.intc.com  (ticker: INTC)
110 Horizon Dr., Suite 300, Raleigh, NC  27615
发表于 2002-12-18 16:02:25 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2002-12-19 09:50:05 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2003-1-11 00:49:56 | 显示全部楼层


1. 使用命令: make clean
2. 使用命令: make all
3. 使用命令: make install

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