发表于 2005-2-15 23:06:56
What bugs should be reported?
Most users do not compile the GNU C Library from the sources released by the GNU developers. Most people are using glibc binaries supplied with a complete operating system distribution (for a comprehensive list of distributions see Linux Weekly News Distributions page). Distributions include their own modifications to glibc in the binaries and sources you get with the operating system. If the glibc you are using comes from a complete operating system distribution, you should report bugs to that distribution project first. Your distribution's own documentation and web pages should refer you to their bug-reporting system. Your distribution's maintainers will determine whether the problem is specific to their modifications or other details of that particular system. If the problem does exist in the standard GNU C Library code, they will report it to the GNU maintainers or direct you how to do so.
本来glibc用的最多的就是随发行版安装到你硬盘上的二进制版本, 自己编译这种核心软件的话遇到问题很正常, 看看上面的网址就知道了, 如果你觉得自己遇到的问题在这里解决不了得话, 可以去官方得mail list看看, 可能会找到自己要的东西, 但是请注意对他人起码的尊重, 谢谢. |