发表于 2005-5-19 19:01:02
http://www.linuxfans.org/nuke/mo ... hlight=%C7%F8%B1%F0
在RedHat9以后 产品线分为2路 一边为Fedora
另一条为 Enterprise 系列
Enterprise系列 又分为 AS ES WS Desktop 4种
其中 AS 与ES 是server 系列
AS: redhat 的官方解释
The top of the line server solution for large departmental
and datacenter workloads including database, ERP, and CRM servers.
ES: Ideal for a wide range of entry-level and departmental
workloads such as network, file, print, mail, and web servers.
而WS 和desktop则是client系列
WS:Technical, virtualization, trading, power user
Desktop ersonal productivity: mail, document processing,
browsing, instant messaging; software development
而对于Fedora系列Redhat 自己的解释是
is a Red Hat sponsored and community-supported open source project.
It is not a supported product of Red Hat, Inc. The goal?
Work with the Linux community to build a complete, general purpose
operating system exclusively from free software. Public
forum. Open processes. A proving ground for new technology that
may eventually make its way into Red Hat products.
http://www.linuxsky.net/forum20. ... 45e5e4659113d6ee806 |