If you access the Internet through a proxy, you might need to set up proxy information during the installation. It is very easy to define a proxy: you just need to define a variable which contains the proxy server information.
In most cases, you can just define the variables using the server hostname. As an example, we assume the proxy is called proxy.gentoo.org and the port is 8080.
2: Defining proxy servers
(If the proxy filters HTTP traffic)
# export http_proxy="http://proxy.gentoo.org:8080"
(If the proxy filters FTP traffic)
# export ftp_proxy="ftp://proxy.gentoo.org:8080"
(If the proxy filters RSYNC traffic)
# export RSYNC_PROXY="proxy.gentoo.org:8080"
If your proxy requires a username and password, you should use the following syntax for the variable: