此是我成功安装RealONE Player 的过程,希望对大家有用:
1.) Download r1p1_linux22_libc6_i386_a1.bin
2.) Change to the directory, where downloaded R1P is located
3.) chmod 755 r1p1_linux22_libc6_i386_a1.bin
Do the following steps (4. - 10.) as root:
4.) ./r1p1_linux22_libc6_i386_a1.bin
5.) Follow the instructions and choose a directory like /usr/local/RealPlayer9 (don't use /root/RealPlayer9 for installation!)
6.) cp -R -p /root/.realnetworks /home/user (/home/user is the home-directory of the user who wants to use R1P, change it!)
7.) cp -R -p /root/Real /home/user (/home/user is the home-directory of the user who wants to use R1P, change it!)
8.) chown -R user:users /home/user/.realnetworks (/home/user is the home-directory of the user who wants to use R1P, change it!)
9.) chown -R user:users /home/user/Real (/home/user is the home-directory of the user who wants to use R1P, change it!)
10.) chmod 4755 /usr/local/RealPlayer9/realplay (/usr/local/RealPlayer9 is the installation-directory of R1P from step 5)
Now you can start R1P as user:
11.) /usr/local/RealPlayer9/realplay (/usr/local/RealPlayer9 is the installation-directory of R1P from step 5)
After that there was an other error :
/usr/local/RealPlayer9/realplay: error while loading shared
libraries: libXm.so.2: cannot open shared object file:
No such file or directory"
I have solved this error by adding this line in "/etc/ld.so.conf ":
"/usr/local/RealPlayer9" and go to /sbin, type "./ldconfig" as root
Ok now the Player works fine as user too.
至于RealOne Player 新的解码器,公社有提供哦,自己取找找吧!! |