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cvs update时每行命令前的字母什么意思?

发表于 2006-2-3 16:36:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
cvs update时每行命令前的字母什么意思?


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发表于 2006-2-3 16:50:09 | 显示全部楼层

man cvs
info cvs

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发表于 2006-2-3 17:04:37 | 显示全部楼层
U file
The file was brought up to date with respect to the repository. This is done for any file that exists in the repository but not in your source, and for files that you haven't changed but are not the most recent versions available in the repository.

P file
Like U, but the CVS server sends a patch instead of an entire file. This accomplishes the same thing as U using less bandwidth.

A file
The file has been added to your private copy of the sources, and will be added to the source repository when you run commit on the file. This is a reminder to you that the file needs to be committed.

R file
The file has been removed from your private copy of the sources, and will be removed from the source repository when you run commit on the file. This is a reminder to you that the file needs to be committed.

M file
The file is modified in your working directory.
M can indicate one of two states for a file you're working on: either there were no modifications to the same file in the repository, so that your file remains as you last saw it; or there were modifications in the repository as well as in your copy, but they were merged successfully, without conflict, in your working directory.

CVS will print some messages if it merges your work, and a backup copy of your working file (as it looked before you ran update) will be made. The exact name of that file is printed while update runs.

C file
A conflict was detected while trying to merge your changes to file with changes from the source repository. file (the copy in your working directory) is now the result of attempting to merge the two revisions; an unmodified copy of your file is also in your working directory, with the name .#file.revision where revision is the revision that your modified file started from. Resolve the conflict as described in Conflicts example. (Note that some systems automatically purge files that begin with .# if they have not been accessed for a few days. If you intend to keep a copy of your original file, it is a very good idea to rename it.) Under VMS, the file name starts with __ rather than .#.

? file
file is in your working directory, but does not correspond to anything in the source repository, and is not in the list of files for CVS to ignore (see the description of the -I option, and 参阅 cvsignore).

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-3 18:10:04 | 显示全部楼层
A.19.2 update 的输出
update 和 checkout 在执行中,会为每个文件打印一行提示信息,文件的状态通过前面的单个字符指明:

U file

P file
类似 `U',但是 cvs 服务器发送的是补丁而不是整个文件。完成与 `U' 同样的工作,但降低带宽的使用。

A file
添加到你的私人副本中,当你使用 commit 后会加到仓库。这可以提醒你需要提交文件。

R file
从你的私人副本中删除,当你执行 commit 命令后会从仓库清除。这可以提醒你文件需要提交。

M file
`M' 可以标明你工作的文件的两种状态: 同样的文件仓库里面没有修改,你的文件仍保持原样; 或者仓库里面的文件也有修改,但在工作目录里成功合并,没有冲突发生。

如果合并,cvs 将打印一些信息,并建立工作文件的备份(与 update 执行前相同)。update 运行时会打印相应的名字。

C file
合并你与仓库中修改到 file 时检测到冲突。file (你工作目录里面的副本) 是合并两个修订版的结果; 工作目录里面还有未修改文件的副本,名为 .#file.revision,其中 revision 是你修改的文件所基于的修订版。解决冲突见 Conflicts example 说明。 (注意,在有些系统里面,如果一段日子没有访问 .# 起头的文件,系统会自动清除。如果你需要保留这些原始的文件副本,最好将其改名) vms 系统中,文件名以 __ 开始,而不是 .#。

? file
file 处于工作目录,但是仓库里面没有对应的文件,它们也不是 cvs 忽略的文件(参见 `-I' 选项的说明,以及 参阅 cvsignore)。

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