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xmms-1.2.8-1.i386.rpm 这个卸载怎么做!

发表于 2006-5-1 19:46:49 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
刚重装linux9.0 备份了一些下载软件,刚才安装xmms播放器有下面提示,播放器好像没装上,我想知道这个是安装的什么,我看生成 了不少目录,另外我卸载怎么有错误提示

[root@localhost down]# rpm -ivh xmms-1.2.8-1.i386.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
        file /usr/bin/wmxmms from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/bin/xmms from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/lib/libxmms.so.1 from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/lib/xmms/Effect/libecho.so from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/lib/xmms/Effect/libstereo.so from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/lib/xmms/Effect/libvoice.so from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/lib/xmms/General/libir.so from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/lib/xmms/General/libjoy.so from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/lib/xmms/General/libsong_change.so from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/lib/xmms/Input/libcdaudio.so from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/lib/xmms/Input/libtonegen.so from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/lib/xmms/Input/libwav.so from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/lib/xmms/Output/libOSS.so from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/lib/xmms/Output/libdisk_writer.so from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/lib/xmms/Visualization/libbscope.so from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/lib/xmms/Visualization/libsanalyzer.so from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/share/man/man1/wmxmms.1.gz from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
        file /usr/share/man/man1/xmms.1.gz from install of xmms-1.2.8-1 conflicts with file from package xmms-1.2.7-21.p
[root@localhost down]# rpm -e xmms-1.2.8-1
error: package xmms-1.2.8-1 is not installed
[root@localhost down]# rpm -e xmms-1.2.8-1.i386
error: package xmms-1.2.8-1.i386 is not installed
[root@localhost down]#
发表于 2006-5-1 19:52:09 | 显示全部楼层
rpm -e xmms

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-1 20:05:25 | 显示全部楼层
呵呵 刚才 自己解决了 ,我用rpm -Uvh xmms-1.2.8-1.i386.rpm 升级安装整好了

太感谢 月下刀客 大哥, 偶以后安装程序忘不了你的 帮助
哈 (纳闷,安装程序成功 桌面没图标,也没开始程序,太深奥了)

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-5-2 10:01:52 | 显示全部楼层
那是因为 没有xmms_mini.xpm文件 你可以找其他图片代替.

使用道具 举报

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