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Common desktop-wide paths

发表于 2006-5-8 19:39:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式


This is how I believe Gnome should work for the average user. Everybody
that I know who uses a PC outside of the office environment uses it for
some of the following tasks:
- Reading and writing email
- Playing games
- Watching Movies (Would use Video folder)
- Browsing the web (Would use Downloads folder)
- Digital photography (Would use Photos folder)
- Playing music (Would use Music folder)
- Managing a portable MP3 player (Would use Music folder)
- Writing Word documents (Would use Documents folder)

GTKam should extract photos to the Photos directory. gThumb should display
the Photos directory by default. Nautlius should display the contents of
the Photos folder as an image collection by default.

Sound Juicer creates music files in a location stored in a GConf key at
present. This key should be replaced with the Music folder. Rhythmbox
should build its music database from the Music folder.

The original proposal suggested creating the folderset in $HOME:

The two main issues raised with this idea were:
- People do not want clutter in $HOME
- The folderset must be localised

I propose that these folders should be created on the desktop, with an
applicable emblem on each folder (A music note for the Music folder, a
camera for the Photos folder). Having the folders on the desktop would fit
nicely in the spatial model of


I propose that the location of these folders be user configurable, and be
stored as Gconf keys for retrievel by any interested application. In this
way applications can all store files in the correct place.

A Gnome Sytems Tool module should provide a GUI for setting the location
of the folders.

To solve the localisation issue, I propose that these folders are created
in the language that the user first logs in using. If the user
subsequently decides to change locale, the Gnome System Tools module
should be able to rename the old folders to the current locale's

 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-8 19:49:31 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2006-5-9 23:03:44 | 显示全部楼层

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