




查看: 3860|回复: 6


发表于 2006-5-13 18:48:16 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
1. IP经常显示为0.0.0.0,即使对方在线。
2. 无法传送文件和屏幕截图。
3. 好友的备注经常丢失。
4. 有时会崩溃。

发表于 2006-5-13 19:51:31 | 显示全部楼层
1。 如果你发了文件后(包括传了图), 重新打开聊天窗口, 应该可以看到对方真实ip
2。 能否把命令行的具体输出贴出来参考, 另外也请说一下你的网络连接状况, 比如直连internet, 内网通过路由上, 还是什么。
3。 这个 casper 会留意的。
4。 如果发生了崩溃, 还希望你可以将崩溃的回溯报告贴到置顶的bug报告里


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-5-13 22:22:38 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-5-13 23:03:54 | 显示全部楼层

就是你在控制台运行 eva, 把屏幕输出贴出来看看, 尤其是你传文件那段时间的屏幕输出。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-6-17 00:53:38 | 显示全部楼层

user info
got memo op reply
got memo op reply
KCrash: Application 'eva' crashing...
KCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-23 01:28:57 | 显示全部楼层
注:系统是ubuntu 6.06 LTS

$ eva
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
  Major opcode:  145
  Minor opcode:  3
  Resource id:  0x0
Failed to open device
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
  Major opcode:  145
  Minor opcode:  3
  Resource id:  0x0
Failed to open device
Link points to "/tmp/ksocket-haytcb"
Link points to "/tmp/kde-haytcb"
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
  Major opcode:  145
  Minor opcode:  3
  Resource id:  0x0
Failed to open device
X Error: BadDevice, invalid or uninitialized input device 168
  Major opcode:  145
  Minor opcode:  3
  Resource id:  0x0
Failed to open device
kbuildsycoca running...
WARNING: please edit ~/.scim/global and change /DefaultConfigModule to kconfig
Got server :
password key set!
got login token
login token set!
password key set!
EVA redirect to: db8531c0, 8000
password key set!
session key set!
file session key set!
file share token set!
client key set!
user "285567960" logged in!
idt created 5 minutes
user info
change status reply
got keys reply
file agent key set!
file agent token set!
7d3877b8c132121d6e7a3280965669f4e7a937d0121312 6 69ca3aaf2 5793e9e643c41 6ff44cccf5453 f85be7f387536cc18f0b73930
user login process done!
got level reply
got extra info reply
got signature op reply
EvaUHManager::doDnsRequest -- waiting DNS
EvaUHManager::slotDnsReady ----   got
system message
system message
sending IMStart with 0 chars to 0x861af38
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 1 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 1 chars, cpos=1, sellen=0, text=我
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 1 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 1 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 1 chars, cpos=1, sellen=0, text=我
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 2 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我用
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 2 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我用
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 2 chars, cpos=2, sellen=0, text=我用
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 2 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我呀
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 2 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我呀
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 2 chars, cpos=2, sellen=0, text=我呀
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 2 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我要
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 2 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我要
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 2 chars, cpos=2, sellen=0, text=我要
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 3 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我要和
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 3 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我要和
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 3 chars, cpos=3, sellen=0, text=我要和
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 3 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我要呼
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 3 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我要呼
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 3 chars, cpos=3, sellen=0, text=我要呼
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 3 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我要会
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 3 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我要会
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 3 chars, cpos=3, sellen=0, text=我要会
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 4 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我要回家
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 4 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我要回家
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 4 chars, cpos=4, sellen=0, text=我要回家
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 4 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我要汇集
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 4 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我要汇集
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 4 chars, cpos=4, sellen=0, text=我要汇集
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 4 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我要回家
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 4 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=我要回家
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 4 chars, cpos=4, sellen=0, text=我要回家
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 0 chars, cpos=4, sellen=0, text=
sending IMEnd with 4 chars to 0x861af38, text=我要回家
sending IMStart with 0 chars to 0x861af38
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 0 chars, cpos=4, sellen=0, text=
sending IMEnd with 0 chars to 0x861af38, text=
sending IMStart with 0 chars to 0x861af38
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 1 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=了
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 1 chars, cpos=1, sellen=0, text=了
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 1 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=了
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 1 chars, cpos=0, sellen=1, text=了
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 1 chars, cpos=1, sellen=0, text=了
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 0 chars, cpos=1, sellen=0, text=
sending IMEnd with 1 chars to 0x861af38, text=了
sending IMStart with 0 chars to 0x861af38
sending IMCompose to 0x861af38 with 0 chars, cpos=1, sellen=0, text=
sending IMEnd with 0 chars to 0x861af38, text=
got signature op reply
received modify info
received new message
you got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!111
IM: seq: 611446 ----- msg seq: -4272
Unknow IM Type: 0x1e
sender: 10000, receiver: 285567960, sender IP:, sender port: 8000version:0x 100, command: 0x  17, sequence: 0xffffef50
after InPacket headr(7(UDP) or 9(TCP) bytes) plus ReceiveIMPacket header(20 bytes):

0:  0  0 27 10 11  5 6b d8
8:  0  9 54 76 db 85 31 b7
16: 1f 40  0 1e 11  5 6b d8
24: 41  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
32:  0  0  0  0  0  0  0  0
40:  0  0  0  0
got signature op reply
KCrash: Application 'eva' crashing...
Could not find 'drkonqi' executable.
KCrash cannot reach kdeinit, launching directly.
X Error: BadWindow (invalid Window parameter) 3
  Major opcode:  7
  Minor opcode:  0
  Resource id:  0x2c00042

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-7-23 01:31:42 | 显示全部楼层
WARNING: please edit ~/.scim/global and change /DefaultConfigModule to kconfig[/quote]

使用道具 举报

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