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java 不好使已经安装上了

发表于 2007-2-28 14:29:36 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
[root@localhost ~]# java

This script is a placeholder for the /usr/bin/java
master link required by jpackage.org conventions.  libgcj's
rmiregistry, rmic and jar tools are now slave symlinks to these
masters, and are managed by the alternatives( system.

This change was necessary because the rmiregistry, rmic and jar tools
installed by previous versions of libgcj conflicted with symlinks
installed by jpackage.org JVM packages.
Usage: gij [OPTION] ... CLASS [ARGS] ...
          to invoke CLASS.main, or
       gij -jar [OPTION] ... JARFILE [ARGS] ...
          to execute a jar file
Try `gij --help' for more information.
[root@localhost ~]# javac

This script is a placeholder for the /usr/bin/javac
master link required by jpackage.org conventions.  libgcj's
rmiregistry, rmic and jar tools are now slave symlinks to these
masters, and are managed by the alternatives( system.

This change was necessary because the rmiregistry, rmic and jar tools
installed by previous versions of libgcj conflicted with symlinks
installed by jpackage.org JVM packages.
gcj: no input files
[root@localhost ~]#
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