You need:
GCC 3.2.3 or later (except for the GCC 4.0.x series)
as86 (real mode assembler, usually part of the dev86 or bin86 package.)
bcc (Bruce Evans C Compiler; often part of the dev86 package)
Note: The bcc compiler contained in openSUSE10.2 as part of dev86-0.16.0-218 is known to generated broken code. Unfortunately, bcc -v is not supported.
IASL (Intel ACPI compiler)
xsltproc (libxslt, XML style sheet processor)
libxerces (Xerces XML parser; the C++, not the Java version)
libxalan (Xalan XSL library, depends on Xerces; again, the C++, not the Java version)
libXcursor (required to support color mouse pointers in guest)
Qt 3.3.x (with x >= 5 if possible)
我编译了as86 bcc IASL,xalan我无法编译通过,下载的FC4的二进制文件也未成功通过,还看谁有能力时间去编译了。 |