楼主: applewolf

谁有空间?!我上传一下我的 Slax 6.2.0

 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-6 00:04:15 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 yixiwei 于 2010-1-5 23:38 发表


有,没地方上传,不过我的光盘中有涉版权软件,所以,类似 nero linux 和 江民杀毒是不能够提供的。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-6 00:45:47 | 显示全部楼层
原帖由 applewolf 于 2010-1-6 00:04 发表

有,没地方上传,不过我的光盘中有涉版权软件,所以,类似 nero linux 和 江民杀毒是不能够提供的。


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2010-1-6 01:17:49 | 显示全部楼层
国外已有热心人帮忙写好了新旧版本lzma 包的批量转换脚本。
  1. #!/bin/bash

  2. INPUT=$1
  3. SCRIPT=${0##*/}
  4. LIVE=$(ls /mnt/live/mnt)
  5. OPT="/mnt/$LIVE/slax/optional"
  6. WRK="/tmp/convertmod/in"
  7. WRK2="/tmp/convertmod/"
  8. NAME=$(echo $INPUT | awk -F/ '{print $NF}')
  9. EXT=${NAME##*.}
  10. SQSH4OPT=$(find $OPT -type f -name squashfs4-tools.lzm | wc -l)
  11. SQSH4LO=$(losetup -a | grep squashfs4-tools | wc -l)
  12. SQSH4ROOT=$( ls /root | grep sqashfs4 | wc -l)
  13. FILECHK=$(ls $INPUT | wc -l)

  14. usage()
  15. {
  16. cat <<EOF
  17. $SCRIPT /path/to/folder

  18. =================================
  20. =================================

  21. This script converts a folder of .lzm modules from squashfs3 to squashfs4. A new folder will be created with the name of the input folder and -converted on the end. The script requires squashfs4-tools and will sniff activated modules to see if it exists. Otherwise it will download (800Kb) the file from the slax repository. In this case an internet connection is required.

  22. EOF
  23. }

  24. #check for zero input after script name
  25. if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
  26.         usage
  27.         exit 1
  28. fi

  29. #check that input directory exists
  30. if [ -d $INPUT -a $FILECHK -ne 0 ]; then
  31.         echo "Located $INPUT folder"
  32.                 else
  33.         echo
  34.         echo --------------------------------------------
  35.         echo "The folder you specified either does not exists"
  36.         echo "or it is completely empty!"
  37.         echo
  38.         exit 1
  39. fi
  40. exit

  41. #remove temp work directories
  42. if [ -d $WRK ]; then
  43.         rm -rf $WRK
  44. fi

  45. if [ -d $WRK2 ]; then
  46.         rm -rf $WRK2
  47. fi

  48. netcheck()
  49. {
  50. if eval "ping -c 1"; then
  51.         echo "Internet connection established";
  52.                 else
  53.         echo
  54.         echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
  55.         echo "You must have the squashfs4-tools activated to use this script."
  56.         echo "It appears you have no connection to the internet! Please establish"
  57.         echo "a connection to the internet and run this script again. The required"
  58.         echo "800Kb file will be downloaded automatically."
  59.         exit 1
  60. fi
  61. }

  62. dload()
  63. {
  64. pushd $OPT
  65. echo "No squashfs4-tools found. Downloading now ..."
  66. wget http://www.slax.org/modules/3155/dl/squashfs4-tools.lzm
  67. sleep 2
  68. activate squashfs4-tools.lzm
  69. sleep 1
  70. popd
  71. echo "squashfs4-tools are now activated"
  72. }

  73. if [ $SQSH4OPT = 1 -a $SQSH4LO = 0 ]; then
  74.         activate $OPT/squashfs4-tools.lzm
  75.                 elif
  76.                         [ $SQSH4OPT = 0 -a $SQSH4LO = 0 ]; then
  77.                         netcheck
  78.                         dload
  79.                 else
  80.         echo "squashfs4-tools are activated"
  81. fi

  82. mkdir -p $WRK2

  83. convert()
  84. {
  85. for mod in $(find $INPUT -type f -name *.lzm | head -1); do
  86.         MODNAME=$(echo $mod | awk -F/ '{print $NF}');
  87.         mkdir -p $WRK;
  88.         lzm2dir $mod $WRK;
  89.         /root/squashfs4-tools/mksquashfs $WRK $WRK2/$MODNAME;
  90.         rm -f $mod;
  91.         rm -rf $WRK;
  92. done
  93. }

  94. while [ $(find $INPUT -type f -name *.lzm | head -1 | wc -l) -eq 1 ]; do
  95.         convert
  96. done

  97. mv $WRK2 $INPUT-converted
  98. echo -----------------------------------------------------
  99. echo "ALL DONE! Your converted modules can be found in: "
  100. echo "$INPUT-converted. Your original modules are still intact"
  101. exit
脚本命令  你的模块所在的路径

第一,这个脚本会自动判断系统中是否存在 squashfs-tools 4.0 命令存在以及你后面所写路径是否存在,如果squashfs tools 4.0 不存在,则脚本会自动在线下载一份,就是我上面上传的那个,然后全自动转换老包到新包。

  1. jayflood
  2. wrote 21 hours ago        [total posts: 833] [total posts: 833] [total posts: 833] [total posts: 833]

  3. reply | report spam
  4. Multiple module converter is now ready. You can convert every module in a directory and it's sub directories.
  5. You can name the script whatever you like and put it in path /usr/bin

  6. Usage: yourScript /path/to/module/folder

  7. http://ibj.co.nz/main/slax/modconv-all

  8. This script will check that input folder exists and has modules in it. It will then check if squashfs4-tools is activated or exists in slax optional folder. If not it will check for internet connection and then download and activate tools.

  9. If required conditions are met it will convert all old modules into new squash4 ones and put them in a folder with the same name as your input with -converted appended to the folder name.

  10. Next step is to make a module from all scripts and maybe a gui for some of them.

[ 本帖最后由 applewolf 于 2010-1-6 01:19 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-8 15:57:14 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

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