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官方 Slax 新版本规划

发表于 2009-12-18 16:55:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Tomas M
wrote 8 days ago

This is a reply to some questions about Slax future, I'm reposting it as a new thread and making it sticky.

I can't tell you much about far Slax future because I don't know it

The following should happen first:

- release another version of Slax with up-to-date NTFS-3g driver, which implements UTF-8 natively and thus gives users the possibility to mount NTFS partitions with international filenames easily, without additional boot parameters for Slax and without different initrd for each language.

After that is done, the following will be possible:

- autodetect user's country/language when he is at the download page (slax.org/get_slax.php) and offer a customized translated version of Slax to him, instead of the English-only one.

Most people do not know that there is support for many different languages on ftp.slax.org, and the process of manually downloading some files and putting them to USB can make some people unhappy. So this is the last thing I wish to implement for Slax 6.

After this is done, I can start thinking about Slax 7, which should be a completely different system because I wish to include KDE 4 there, thus almost everything will change, mainly system libraries which are in Slax by default. And of course, the official squashfs-lzma will be used from the official Linux Kernel, that will make Slax modules backward-incompatible again, which will bring another problems ....

Currently I am building a house (for more than a year yet), I have some kids and I have to earn money to survive (a lot of money, due to the high life standard I'm used to). Since I wasn't able to collect sufficiend amount of monthly donors, Slax is not my top-priority nowadays, I have to do different things first, I'm sorry.

Note: that doesn't mean I abandoned Slax. No, it just takes me ages to release each new version

这次提出,使用UTF8 使 Slax 步入国际化,并去除掉启动时的语言参数实现多语种化倒是个好主意,"and without different initrd for each language" 这更是个好消息了,以后只要做个语言包就行了,不再需要针对不同语言把 initrd 启动文件进行修改了.

"- autodetect user's country/language when he is at the download page (slax.org/get_slax.php) and offer a customized translated version of Slax to him, "

然后是下以版本可能考虑升级为KDE4,这个是个问题,官方TOMAS M回答问题时曾提到KDE4带上其最基本运行库高达100M以上,这可能意味着SLAX以后会容量倍增,而且相当于是抛弃了超低配置机了.向前走了......

另外,文中说到使squashfs-lzma可以使用在官方Linux 内核了,这也许是个更好的消息,可以更方便的跟进新内核了,而不必一定要使用Slax 官方的修改版内核了.

另外,Tomas M 在文中多次提到,其实他也并不清楚 Slax 的走向哦.

不知道大家如何看待这个slax的走向的?! 一起来讨论一下吧.....实在不行,咱论自己搞个版本出来.
 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-18 16:59:24 | 显示全部楼层
哦 Tomas M 提到他在造房子,还需要一年,但他在最后说到,这并不意味着他放弃SLAX

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-12-22 12:53:00 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2009-12-26 18:43:32 | 显示全部楼层
楼上兄台说的是,确实是没了方向不是好事情,但是我觉得,Live 系统方向不明原因非常之多,主要是其应用定位,市场,商业化的可能性,这使我想起原来看过的一篇关于Linuz 的文章,好象是他本人写的,当初写 Linux 内核时,也没有方向,摸石头过河,当大量的开发团队加入后,商业思路出来了,定位出来了,市场也站稳了。

如上所述,很想征询一下各位 Live 系统爱好者们一个问题:
“你认为你的 Live 系统你会用它来干什么呢?!”



使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-5 20:43:35 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2010-1-12 08:47:10 | 显示全部楼层
我对slax livecd的期盼很多,我想以他为平台教授小学生计算机知识,我想以他为平台搭建蜜罐,搭建沙盒以分析病毒捕捉病毒,同时我还想用他作为自己的私密系统。

使用道具 举报

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