Error with virtual disk.cannot install DOS.
Error:Minimal automatic pre-installation of DOS7 Failed.
DOS 7 installation Failed.
Press retun to continue...
小弟是在用DOS7的映象文件进行预安装(pre-installation)最小化DOS系统(minimal dos system)的时候出现以下错误的.
mozilla is correct. You don't need to install DOS before you install windows 98. I am pretty sure about it.
BTW, you do better install Eng version of windows 98. Since linux native fs doesn't support Chinese filename, all chinese file names will present like a mess in Chinese version.
Making MDA Image.
MERGE_NL: dos: ERROR: Win4Lin drivers are not loaded or
not available for use. Cannot run DOS or Windows.
Either Win4Lin is not fully installed on your system, or the
drivers cannot load, or too many simultaneous users.
WARNING: MDA image was not made.
WARNING: No image files were made.
WARNING: Images creation failed.
ERROR: Failed to make all DOS image files.
Installation of DOS partialy failed.
Error: Minimal automatic pre-installation of DOS7 failed.