/etc/X11/gdm/PreSession//Default: Registering your session with wtmp and utmp
/etc/X11/gdm/PreSession//Default: running: sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp -u /var/run/utmp -x "/var/lib/gdm/:0.Xservers" -h "" -l :0 root
#!/bin/bash --login
# Note that any setup should come before the sessreg command as
# that must be 'exec'ed for the pid to be correct (sessreg uses the parent
# pid)
# Note that output goes into the .xsession-errors file for easy debugging
if command -v xsetroot > /dev/null 2>&1; then
xsetroot -cursor_name left_ptr -solid "#363047"
if command -v sessreg > /dev/null 2>&1; then
# some output for easy debugging
echo "$0: Registering your session with wtmp and utmp"
echo "$0: running: sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp -u /var/run/utmp -x \"$X_SERVERS\" -h \"$REMOTE_HOST\" -l $DISPLAY $USER"
exec sessreg -a -w /var/log/wtmp -u /var/run/utmp -x "$X_SERVERS" -h "$REMOTE_HOST" -l $DISPLAY $USER
# this is not reached
# some output for easy debugging
echo "$0: could not find the sessreg utility, cannot update wtmp and utmp"
exit 0