发表于 2003-4-27 00:02:56
首先, 不是No-US, 是Non-US.
~yes, this is correct.
其次, 不是"我们只能用Non-US", 而是 "可能不能用Non-US".
事实上,No-US不能从"M国"输出,但可以从"M国"以外的地方输出到"M国". 这就是debian的Non-US的官方站点大多都不在 "M国"的原因.
因此, 我们是可以用Non-US的(但其实Non-US的东西也没什么大用处,至少我用不着.)
~~we can only use 'non-us', can not use 'us'. u understanding is wrong. in non-us and us versions, only the non-us version can be exported from us. u can use any version in us. but u can only use non-us version out side of us.
(debian 官方的解释:
"Non-US cannot be exported from the USA, they are mostly encryption software packages, or software that is encumbered by patent issues."
"Non-US软件包不能输出到美国以外的地方, 通常都是加密的软件, 者有专利权的软件.")
这个原因很简单: Non-US的光盘包括了普通版本(可能就是你说的us版)里的全部内容再加上一些 Nos-US 的包,这样当然就比普通版本光盘大.
~~this is wrong. u can not export us version in non-us version. for example, u can use 128 bit des in usa, but u can only use 40 bit des in china. so when debian export iso to china, it has to remove all 128 bits algorithm from its iso. |