[quote:17f05a5984="小西"][root@MagicLinux Download]# rpm -Uvh kdelibs-3.5.0-1mgc.i686.rpm
error: Failed dependencies:
kdelibs = 3.4.3-4mgc is needed by (installed) kdelibs-devel-3.4.3-4mgc.i686[/quote]
sure, if not why it's called 'xxx-devel'?
u should put all kde*rpm in one directory, then "rpm -Uvh *.rpm"
if so, the system will know that not only "kdelibs" will be updated, but also "kdelibs-devel"
[root@MagicLinux Download]# rpm -Uvh *.rpm
Preparing... ########################################### [100%]
package arts-1.5.0-1mgc is already installed
package kdenetwork-3.5.0-1mgc is already installed
package arts-devel-1.5.0-1mgc is already installed
package poppler-0.4.2-1mgc is already installed
package kdenetwork-devel-3.5.0-1mgc is already installed
file /usr/share/apps/konqueror/profiles/filemanagement from install of k
debase-3.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/apps/konqueror/profiles/webbrowsing from install of kdeb
ase-3.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/config/kdm from install of kdebase-3.5.0-1mgc conflicts
with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/config/kdm/README from install of kdebase-3.5.0-1mgc con
flicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/config/kdm/Xaccess from install of kdebase-3.5.0-1mgc co
nflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/config/kdm/Xreset from install of kdebase-3.5.0-1mgc con
flicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/config/kdm/Xsession from install of kdebase-3.5.0-1mgc c
onflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/config/kdm/Xstartup from install of kdebase-3.5.0-1mgc c
onflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/config/kdm/Xwilling from install of kdebase-3.5.0-1mgc c
onflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/config/kdm/backgroundrc from install of kdebase-3.5.0-1m
gc conflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/config/kdm/kdmrc from install of kdebase-3.5.0-1mgc conf
licts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/config/klipperrc from install of kdebase-3.5.0-1mgc conf
licts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/config/konqsidebartng.rc from install of kdebase-3.5.0-1
mgc conflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/config/kshorturifilterrc from install of kdebase-3.5.0-1
mgc conflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/wallpapers/KDE34.png from install of kdebase-3.5.0-1mgc
conflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/wallpapers/KDE34.png.desktop from install of kdebase-3.5
.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/wallpapers/aurora.svgz.desktop from install of kdebase-3
.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/wallpapers/blue-bend.jpg.desktop from install of kdebase
-3.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/wallpapers/celtic.svgz.desktop from install of kdebase-3
.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/wallpapers/default_blue.jpg.desktop from install of kdeb
ase-3.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/wallpapers/konqui.svgz.desktop from install of kdebase-3
.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/wallpapers/lineart.svgz.desktop from install of kdebase-
3.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/share/wallpapers/seaofconero.jpg.desktop from install of kdeba
se-3.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package magic-kde-config-3.4.x-5mgc
file /usr/lib/kde3/kcm_knetworkconfmodule.la from install of kdeadmin-3.
5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package knetworkconf-0.6.1-1mgc
file /usr/lib/kde3/kcm_knetworkconfmodule.so from install of kdeadmin-3. 5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package knetworkconf-0.6.1-1mgc
file /usr/lib/pkgconfig/system-tools-backends.pc from install of kdeadmi n-3.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package knetworkconf-0.6.1-1mgc
file /usr/share/applications/kde/kcm_knetworkconfmodule.desktop from ins tall of kdeadmin-3.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package knetworkconf-0.6.1- 1mgc
file /usr/share/apps/knetworkconf/backends/general.pl from install of kd eadmin-3.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package knetworkconf-0.6.1-1mgc
file /usr/share/apps/knetworkconf/backends/network-conf from install of kdeadmin-3.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package knetworkconf-0.6.1-1mgc
file /usr/share/apps/knetworkconf/backends/network.pl from install of kd eadmin-3.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package knetworkconf-0.6.1-1mgc
file /usr/share/apps/knetworkconf/backends/parse.pl from install of kdea dmin-3.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package knetworkconf-0.6.1-1mgc
file /usr/share/apps/knetworkconf/backends/platform.pl from install of k deadmin-3.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package knetworkconf-0.6.1-1mgc
file /usr/share/apps/knetworkconf/backends/service-list.pl from install of kdeadmin-3.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package knetworkconf-0.6.1-1mgc
file /usr/share/apps/knetworkconf/backends/service.pl from install of kd eadmin-3.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package knetworkconf-0.6.1-1mgc
file /usr/share/apps/knetworkconf/backends/xml.pl from install of kdeadm in-3.5.0-1mgc conflicts with file from package knetworkconf-0.6.1-1mgc