[quote:b535695ebc="xinlan104"]cheungming, 我又作了一遍,还是出错!但我发现,no rule to make target的原因好像是cross2.95.3/bin下的arm-linux-ld和arm-linux-nm大小为0byte所致。请问:
2、我做make dep时仍报错,我自己在/include/asm-arm/arch-arm下改写了一个param.h,你做make dep 时有无报错
1) u can put under /usr/src. but why u want to put there. u will get confused with this after some times. so why not put under u work directory?
2) i have no error in make dep
3) u can download from ftp://ftp.arm.linux.org.uk/pub/armlinux/toolchain/
4) since arm-linux-gcc in my patch, i set to arm-linux- only. u can add that bin to u path.
u are welcome. at least u let me know that the cross compiler uncompressed under fat is unusable. i guess there are some symbol link errors. if u can, u can try to uncompress under windows again and see if there are any warning.