还是不行,nVIDIA的Geforce 2显卡,原来装红旗显卡没问题。这次的安装步骤如下:
2、字符界面下,sh …….run,安装程序开始,提示是否接受协议,点击"Accept"
3、提示:No precompiled kernel interface was found to match your kernel;would you like the installer to attempt to download a kernel interface for your kernel from the NVIDIA ftp site(ftp://download.nvidia.com)?
——<1> 如果点Y的话,过一会儿提示No matching precompilde kernel interfacd was found on the Nvidia ftp site;this means that the installer will need to cojmpile a kernel interface for your kernel. 然后开始编译,过一会儿有提示 ERROR:Unable to build the NVIDIA kernel mordule
——<2>如果点N的华,直接提示No matching precompilde kernel interfacd was found on the Nvidia ftp site;this means that the installer will need to cojmpile a kernel interface for your kernel. 然后开始编译,过一会儿有提示 ERROR:Unable to build the NVIDIA kernel mordule