Question 4.3: When I try to start X, it fails with a message saying it was 'unable to acquire AGP, error "xf86_ENOMEM"'
This error is generally more difficult to diagnose and fix than the "xf86_ENODEV" error. Some things to try:
1.Increase your AGP aperture size in the BIOS (particularly for nForce2 boards)
2.If you have an nForce2 board, try disabling the "AGP 8x Support" option in the BIOS.
3.Check that you haven't set "UseInternalAGPGART" to "yes" and have your kernel AGP settings compiled in (this won't work)
4.Set "UseFastTLS" to "2" in your XF86Config/xorg.conf file.
5.Check the output of the "dmesg" command for errors.
6.Check that your kernel configuration is correct.
7.Try a newer kernel version.[/code:1]