[quote:5365d00d8f="hlf1099210"]what my choise is 2)
can you tell me how to do it without fs on it
then how can i read data from certain sectors[/quote]
[quote:aa207c13eb="Dragonfly"]jjww, pls move this to another kernel branch, this is nothing to do with kernel source code reading.[/quote]
yes,i think so !
hlf1099210, if u choice is 2) then jjww's code is enough, u only need change that /dev/sda to /dev/fd0 or whatever fd u want, and follow the same rule of open, seek, write, and close. that's all.
in linux, almost everything is a file. open a /dev/fd0 will open a device file and write directly on it. then u can use lseek to change the offset and read/write directly.