#error "Compilation aborted. Please read the FAQ for linux-libc-headers package."
#error "(can be found at http://ep09.pld-linux.org/~mmazur/linux-libc-headers/doc/)"
Q: Compilation of $INSERTYOURAPP failed after inclusion of linux/config.h
A: The llh package is distribution and kernel configuration agnostic therefore
it can not provide any kernel config. In an ideal world all applications
would have runtime detection of what kernel does and doesn't support.
Unfortunately applications don't always do that and in some specific
situations it's advisable to link your current kernel's config file to
replace linux/config.h (do note, that one has to have really good reasons
to do that, since it will probably generate more problems, than it fixes).
That error message is there to force users to be aware of this situation.
Distribution vendors (and most users) will most likely want to get rid of it
by emptying the config.h file.