Ubuntu 5.04 "The Hoary Hedgehog" Released
Ubuntu is a Linux distribution for the desktop or the server that includes all of Debian as well as most of the packages of apt-get.org, with a fast and easy install, regular releases (every six months), a tight selection of excellent packages installed by default and a commitment to security updates with 18 months of security and technical support for every release.
Although Ubuntu includes more packages than any other Linux distribution, only a single CD is required for installation. Everything else can be selected and installed on demand from the network. Only the core "main" set of packages receives a guaranteed level of security review and updates.
New features included:
* Simple and fast Installation
* Live CD's for Intel x86, AMD64 and PPC
* GNOME 2.10.1
* Firefox 1.0.2
* X.org 6.8.2 |