1.patch 内核:
我用的是Magic Linux2.6.9的内核源码。在 http://www.netraverse.com/member/downloads/kernel_patch.php下载对应的内核补丁
之后运行 patch -p1 <Kernel-Win4Lin3-2.6.9.patch > patch.log 2>&1
patch -p1 < mki-adapter26_1_3_12.patch >> patch.log 2>&1
make menuconfig(说明:这里要将
Enable loadable module support
Networking support
System V IPC
Kernel support for ELF binaries
TCP/IP networking
ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem support
Include NeTraverse Win4Lin Support
这些模块选上,不过按照我的经验好像只要将多出来的Include NeTraverse Win4Lin Support选上就好了,其他Magic默认都有)
make modules_install
make install
# Win4Lin 5.0 workstation
# Save as /var/win4lin/install/license.lic
# start base license
MSG= -= Made by User =-
CUSTOMER_NAME="Linus Torvalds"
CUSTOMER_EMAIL="[email protected]"
# end base license
Finished extracting the DOS files.
Finished loading Windows files.
License file has invalid information.
Existing license file not OK. /var/win4lin/install/license.lic
Do you want to enter new license info? (y/n) y
Please now enter the license code for your copy of Win4Lin.
The Win4Lin product will not function without a valid license.
If you received a license code via mail or the internet, when
prompted type it in exactly as printed, including the hyphens.
Otherwise the license code can be found on the Win4Lin CD sleeve.
When prompted, please type this license code exactly as it
appears on the CD sleeve (including the hyphens).
Your Name: Linus Torvalds
Organization: Transmeta
License Code: 1w5p055x-nd5l23-843j-x328-jp28-7a
to register your Win4Lin product. We recommend registering
so that you can gain access to the latest Win4Lin updates.
Reloading drivers. This will take a few moments...
License not fully activated because unable to unload modules.
This is probably because the product is currently in use.
Inspect the log file /var/win4lin/log/activate_license.log
for details.
[root@MagicLinux ~]#