Debian GNU/Linux 3.0r6 "Woody"
The latest issue of Debian Weekly News informs about the 6th and final revision of Debian GNU/Linux 3.0 "Woody": "Joey Schulze sent in the preparation for the last update to Debian 3.0. As usual, this mostly adds recent security updates to the woody release. He also explained that there can't be another update after the release of sarge due to deficiencies in the archive suite.". More details are available on this page.
Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 "Sarge"
There has been a slight delay in the release of Debian GNU/Linux 3.1 "Sarge", originally planned for today (30 May), but which is now expected on 6 June: "Well, just in case it wasn't obvious to everyone from looking at the release-critical bug stats, we should probably come out and say it: the the count of release critical issues affecting sarge is still going down, but it's not yet down to zero, which means no release this weekend. But we are *very* close, so we're only pushing the schedule back a week and aiming for a release next weekend." Find more information in this mailing list post. |