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求助:Mandrake 8.2 下Intel 82845G

发表于 2003-3-4 19:44:07 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
小弟近日初装 Mandrake linux 8.2,启动后能自动进入kde界面,不过屏幕分辨率太低,才600*480!看起来很难受!
我已经下载了官方的驱动程序,但是不知道怎么安装!readme文件中有一步要求关闭 X Windows ,我连这个都不会!还往各位大哥详细 指点!
下面是英文的readme文件,好象是关于red hat 7.3的,而且其中有许多地方我还不明白。谢谢!!

General Installation Notes:

-  The operating system must be installed prior to the
    installation of the driver.

-  This installation procedure is specific only to the
    version of driver and installation file included in this

-  This procedure assumes that all of the software
    associated with this release is located in the same

-  Updating the kernel after installing the driver files
   requires that you install header files for your new
   kernel, delete the existing folder containing files
   extracted from the tar.gz file and re-extract the
   files. This removes files compiled under your old

-   Some distributions use "XF86Config" while others
    use "XF86Config-4" for compatibility reasons.

-   Modify the instructions as appropriate for your

1.  Install Linux

2.  Log in as root or as a superuser

3.  Install kernel headers

            a.  For Red Hat 7.3, this is on CD2:

            b.  Alternately, load your kernel config file,
            save the config, and run 搈ake dep?

4.  Extract the downloaded files:
        a.  tar 杬xvf 20030106-i386-Linux.tar.gz

5.  Ensure X Windows is not running

6.  cd dripkg

7.  ./install.sh

8.  Follow the prompts; most users should be able to press
    揈nter?at each prompt

9.  Make a backup copy of your XF86Config-4 file

10. Modify the XF86Config-4 file by _ONE_ of three methods:

        a.  Use a text editor to modify section 揇evice??
            modify 揇river?entry to read 搃810?

        b.  _OR_ run 慩configurator,?selecting 揑ntel 830?
            from the list

        c.  _OR_ run 慩 朿onfigure?the edit ~/XF86Config.new

                i.  Immediately after the 揗onitor?line in
                    the "Screen" section, add
                    慏efaultDepth 16?

                ii. At the end of the file (if not already
                    there), add:

                          Section "DRI"
                            Mode 0666

                iii.Make the new config file the default by
                    copying it to XF86Config-4:
                        1.  cp ~/XF86Config.new

11. Log out of root or superuser

12. startx
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