Nexenta OS is a new hybrid distribution based on the OpenSolaris kernel combined with GNU and Debian software packages. The project's first alpha release was announced earlier today: "Nexenta OS (elatte) Alpha 1 is now available for download. This release contains 6 ISO images: live CD, install CD, and 4 source CDs. Features: OpenSolaris kernel build #27 (non-debug, with ZFS); X.Org 6.8.2, substantially revamped and fixed to auto-detect hardware and configure itself; more network drivers; 23 bugs fixed and features added since the previous (11/07) pre-alpha release; 90 new packages added." Here is the full release announcement. Download (MD5): elatte_install.iso.gz (336MB), elatte_live.iso.gz (257MB).
BeleniX 0.3
The developers of the BeleniX have released a new version of their OpenSolaris-based live CD: "A new version of the live CD has been released, containing several new software packages and enhancements. The highlights: Perl Curses hard disk installer ('hdinstaller' utility) that can dump the contents of the CD to a Solaris2 partition; enhancements to speed up the booting process; based on OpenSolaris build 27 with the new 128-bit ZFS filesystem; included a very minimal package file registry in /pkgs to support an ISO remastering tool; a missing driver in earlier releases caused Creative SB audio cards to not work, this has been fixed; included the 'ae' driver from Masayuki Murayama so the network now works in VMware...." Read the full release announcement on the distribution's home page. Download: belenix-0.3.iso.bz2 (282MB).