我是新手,现在用at91rm9200的开发板做个项目,需要移植usb无线网卡的驱动,我下了 linux-wlan-ng.0.2.2.tar.gz.然后做了下面一点工作
1.kedit config.in
enable the crosscompile
2.make config
-------------- Linux WLAN Configuration Script -------------
The default responses are correct for most users.
Build Prism2.x PCMCIA Card Services (_cs) driver? (y/n) [n]: n
Build Prism2 PLX9052 based PCI (_plx) adapter driver? (y/n) [n]: n
Build Prism2.5 native PCI (_pci) driver? (y/n) [n]: n
Build Prism2.5 USB (_usb) driver? (y/n) [y]: y
Linux source directory :/HHARM9200/linux-2.4.19-rmk7
The kernel source tree is version 2.4.19-rmk7.
WARNING: the current running kernel is actually version 2.4.20.
The current kernel build date is Wed Oct 6 09:16:23 2004.
It looks like you have a System V init file setup.
Prefix for build host compiler? (rarely needed) []:
Build for debugging (see doc/config.debug) (y/n) [n]:
Configuration successful. Now type 'make' and pray.
3. make
我然后mount了主机到班子上,试图insmod prism2_usb.o,好像出错,
文件,加入了obj-$(CONFIG_USB_WLAN) +=linux-wlan-ng
在/drivers/usb/config.in中也添加了USB_WLAN tristate USB wlan device' CONFIG_USB_WLAN,可是不知道其他的依赖关系了,还有不知道linux-wlan-ng中哪部分要移过来,晕阿,请教做过的大虾,给点指导吧
Linux source directory [/lib/modules/2.6.15-23-386/build]: /home/kernel/2.4.18-rmk7
Linux source tree /home/kernel/2.4.18-rmk7 is incomplete or missing!
The kernel header files are present, but not the full source code.
See the HOWTO for a list of FTP sites for current kernel sources.