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run u-boot on s3c6410

发表于 2011-5-25 11:13:48 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Hi all, I wanna run u-boot on s3c6410 simulated by skyeye. I use the following conf, start, and run.The command line shows
In start_all_thread, the thread 1 is set to running
In start_all_thread, the thread 2 is set to running
and then nothing happened, no uboot menu options printed.

The memory address partition scheme is digested from the user manual of s3c6410.Have I got something wrong about the conf file?  

And , by the way, had anyone ever tried configuring scratchpad memory(or, say Tightly Coupled Memory) using skyeye? If any, would you share your methods?

Thanks very much and any suggestion will be appreciated.

Here's some info I think may be helpful.
/// info printed when type start command
Loaded RAM   ./u-boot.bin
1 core is initialized.
SKYEYE: use arm11jzf-s mmu ops
SKYEYE: use arm11jzf-s mmu ops
Can not get correct kernel filename!Maybe your skyeye.conf have something wrong!
In SIM_start, Set PC to the address 0x50000000

/// conf file

  1. arch:arm
  2. cpu: arm11
  3. mach: s3c6410x

  4. # physical memory
  5. # 128M Booting Device Region by XOM settings
  6. mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x00000000, size=0x08000000
  7. # 64M internal ROM
  8. mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x08000000, size=0x04000000
  9. # 64M Boot Loader
  10. mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x0c000000, size=0x04000000, file=./u-boot.bin, boot=yes

  11. # SROMC bank0-bank5
  12. #mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x10000000, size=0x08000000
  13. #mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x18000000, size=0x08000000
  14. #mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x20000000, size=0x08000000
  15. #mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x28000000, size=0x08000000
  16. #mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x30000000, size=0x08000000
  17. #mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x38000000, size=0x08000000
  18. # Reserved
  19. #mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x40000000, size=0x08000000
  20. #mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x48000000, size=0x10000000
  21. # DRAM 512M
  22. mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x50000000, size=0x10000000
  23. mem_bank: map=M, type=RW, addr=0x60000000, size=0x10000000

  24. # all peripherals I/O mapping area
  25. mem_bank: map=I, type=RW, addr=0x70000000, size=0x10000000

  26. mem_bank: map=I, type=RW, addr=0x80000000, size=0x10000000

  27. uart:mod = term
  28. load_addr:base=0x50000000, mask=0xFFFFFF
  29. #-l0x50000000,0xffffff

[ 本帖最后由 Zourva 于 2011-5-25 17:35 编辑 ]


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发表于 2011-5-25 13:51:27 | 显示全部楼层
List your all  operations please, Include command line and uart infomations
You could upload your u-boot too

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-25 17:38:48 | 显示全部楼层

回复 2# David_yu 的帖子

Thanks David,
I just modify the skyeye.conf to contents give above, and issue these commands:
1. skyeye_main.py -c skyeye.conf
2. start
3. run

That's all~

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-5-26 09:41:07 | 显示全部楼层
Comand line has little case,
It should be: skyeye_main.py -e u-boot(it is elf file) -c skyeye.conf


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2011-5-26 14:02:06 | 显示全部楼层
Yeah, I tried using -e u-boot, but seems doesn't help~
If waiting for a moment, the uart will print a 0, and I got this in the console:

In start_all_thread, the thread 1 is set to running
In start_all_thread, the thread 2 is set to running
(running) mmu_mcr wrote UNKNOWN - reg 15

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-5-26 15:33:19 | 显示全部楼层
OK, I try running your u-boot.bin, It is not have the problem!
But It can't run, no have any infomation,
I guess that uart address is not right.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2011-5-26 21:21:39 | 显示全部楼层
First: you must be sure u-boot pc_start, if you load uboot on 0xc000000, pc_start should be 0xc000000, load: base = 0xc000000
Next: u-boot's first instruction may be not pc_start. you may be find entry addr.
Can you give me your elf_file of uboot?

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