local PPREFIX="${FILESDIR}/patch/${PN}"
# Some patches from Redhat
epatch ${PPREFIX}-2.1-slighthint.patch
# Add our local fontpaths (duh dont forget!)
# epatch ${PPREFIX}-2.2-local_fontdir-r1.patch
# Blacklist some fonts that break fontconfig
epatch ${PPREFIX}-2.2-blacklist.patch
# Remove the subpixel test from local.conf (#12757)
epatch ${PPREFIX}-2.2-remove_subpixel_test.patch
xft-2.1.2 + firefly patches
{./configure --prefix=/usr/X11R6
make && make install
freetype-2.1.4-rx(forgotten the r version)
pango-(The version I have forgotten; I have used the patches of firefly, which could display bold and italic fonts selection)
fontconfig-2.2.1 (Copy the gentoo orginal ebuild file and modify it to 2.2.1,use firefly's patches)