I have three linux systems.
One is Gnome on Redhat9. Another is also X-Server on Redhat9.
The ohter is X-Server on Devian.
I tried to install SCIM on three systems.
My computer environment is below...
1. scim-chinese-0.4.1.-1
2. scim-0.99.8-1
3. locale = zh_CN.GB2312
But, I had many problems.
#1. Gnome on Redhat9
I could not rut scim.
I tried with "scim -d". Error was occured.
@scim -d
Failed to load table IMEngine module ...
Failed to FrontEnd module ...
Failed to load table IMEngine module ...
Failed to launch SCIM. ...
#2. X-Server on Redhat9
I can run scim.
But, Font was broken. I cound not input Chinese characters.
When I tried "scim-setup", Error was occured.
Loading Config Module simple
Loading Config Moduel socket
Thank you for your help.
I set language to zh_CN on Redhat's X-server.
Now, I can input Chinese character.
But, Fonts are still wrong. I only can see rectanular font on SCIM module.
I think this problem seems GTK problem. Right? How can I fix it?
Loading Config Module simple
Loading Config Moduel socket