SAC2000 works similiarly on each of these computers. This section includes instructions to help you set up your environment to be able to run SAC2000 on each of these types of computers. The instructions are short and easy to implement. Once you have completed them, you will be ready to start using SAC2000. If they are not clear or if you have problems please see your system administrator or the person who installed SAC2000 on your system.
First set up the environmental variable SACAUX to be the name of the directory that contains the SAC auxiliary files. These files are used by SAC2000 while it is executing. Assume that this directory is located on your system in the directory /foo/sac/aux. If you are running under AT&T System V you would put the following in your .profile file:
SACAUX = /foo/sac/aux
export SACAUX
If you are running under BSD 4.2 you would put the following in your .login file:
setenv SACAUX /foo/sac/aux
It is important that SACAUX be in uppercase and that the pathname be entered in the correct case. The SAC2000 executable is called sac2000 and is normally found in the bin subdirectory (i.e. /foo/sac/bin/sac). Add this subdirectory to your search path or set up an alias. Once you have completed these two steps, to start up the program type "sac2000".