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听说Zaurus SL-C750可一用usbnet.

发表于 2005-4-11 15:41:59 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Sharp Zaurus SL-C750
I have acquired a Zarus to research the functionality of a portable workstation... and to fuel my gadget lust. The SL-C750 fits the bill with its Linux operating system, wireless support, memory, screen size and processing power. It is infinitely hackable, thanks to Sharp's release of source code and documentation for developers.

I am interested in configuring the Zaurus to sync with a Linux desktop machine, as a portable web, vnc, ssh terminal, and as a handheld multimodal interface to larger scientific visualization systems.

These tips may also work for the SL-C700, SL-C760, SL-C860, SL-C3000. YMMV.
Sharp Zaurus Linux PDA SL-C750 aka sheperd
256MB Lexar Media SecureDigital memory card
AmbiCom WL1100C Wireless LAN IEEE 802.11b CompactFlash Card
Microtech Zio USB SD/MMC reader/writer
about multimodal interfaces


In the near future, device convergence will change the way we work with our personal, portable electronics. A small handheld device will incorporate your wireless phone, text messaging, email, pda/pim functions, Internet access, reading, music, video, gaming, camera, identification, credit/bank card, navigation/gps and much more. New standards for document markup and input methods, for gestures and speech, are being research.


IBM Multimodal Toolkit & WebSphere Everyplace Multimodal Browser - handheld interfaces to larger systems

W3C Multimodal Interaction Activity - web pages you can speak to and gesture at

MIT Wearable Computing - applications of small computers
flashing: operating system install

There are a number of kernel and file system images out there to install on your Zaurus. I've flashed mine more times than I can count trying them all. I'm currently very happy using the following on my 750:
CACkO Zaurus Qtopia ROM 1.21 + HotFix A inclides Kino2, SSH, bluetooth & USB device support

Make sure to do a backup before you do anything. And if worst comes to worst, full NAND backups of the original Japanese rom are available from Conics.

preparing a disk

ROM and kernel bundles are installed on the Zaurus via a removable media card. I'm using a 256MB SD card mounted on my Linux desktop with a USB reader/writer. The Microtech SD USB adapter is supported by enabling USB Mass Storage support (CONFIG_USB_STORAGE=m) and Microtech CompactFlash/SmartMedia support (CONFIG_USB_STORAGE_DPCM=y) in the kernel config. FYI, I also have IDE SCSI emulation support (CONFIG_BLK_DEV_IDESCSI=m) which may changes the device names.

To install the new system, follow the directions that come with the ROM package. Prepare a disk to flash your Zaurus on an SD or CF card, freshly formated fat16 with the proper files copied over. To flash a new kernel, the files must be renamed zImage, updater.sh & consolescroll.

Here is a generic example of making a card to flashing the kernel:

# mkfs.vfat -F 16 /dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/part1
# mount /dev/scsi/host1/bus0/target0/lun0/part1 /sd
# cp zImage-v13d-C750.bin /sd/zImage
# cp consolescroll /sd/consolescroll
# cp updater.sh.c750 /sd/updater.sh
# umount /sd
opening the system menu

This procedure will open the Japanese system menu and flash from disk:
power off the Zaurus
unplug the power adapter and remove the battery for 5 seconds to do a full reset
insert the battery, lock it and insert the disk
plug in the power and wait for the battery light to come on
hold in the OK button as you press the power button
select option 4 to flash install then select either SD or CF
a status screen will show progress up to 100% and then ask you to reset
remove the power adapter and battery again for 5 seconds
plug in the power adapter, replace and lock the battery
press the power buton to boot

If all goes well, the screen will show the progress of the kernel and/or rom flashing up to 100% and ask you to reset. You may also wish to clear the user memory when switching roms, which can be done by selecting option 3 from the system menu.

Once an overclocking kernel is installed, the CPU & GPU can be overclocked at boot.


echo 100 > /proc/driver/w100/fastsysclk
echo 162 > /proc/cccr_change

# chmod +x /etc/rc.d/init.d/overclock
# ln -s /etc/rc.d/init.d/overclock /etc/rc.d/rc5.d/S99overclock

The Cacko rom now includes a nice taskbar overclocking app by default!
usb communication

For USB connectivity to a Linux workstation, compile the usbnet module into the kernel of your desktop pc with USB-to-USB Networking (CONFIG_USB_USBNET=m). The usbnet module is included in the latest kernels as of version 2.4.23.

Put an alias to the zaurus,, in /etc/hosts on your desktop machine. Here is a snippet from my network location script to enable usb networking to the Zaurus on my Debian Linux desktop machine.


rmmod acm >/dev/null 2>&1
echo "alias acm off" >/etc/modutils/usbnet
echo "alias CDCEther off" >>/etc/modutils/usbnet
echo "alias usb0 usbnet" >>/etc/modutils/usbnet
ifconfig usb0 down >/dev/null 2>&1
rmmod usbnet >/dev/null 2>&1
modprobe usbnet >/dev/null 2>&1
typeset -i num
num=`ifconfig | grep usb0 | wc -l`
if [ $num -eq 0 ] ; then
   ifconfig usb0 netmask up
   route add -host usb0 >/dev/null 2>&1
   ssh root@zaurus /sbin/route add default gw

I disabled ftp, telnet and samba on the Zaurus and installed ssh (killefiz) and rsync (killefiz) instead. SSH is now included in the Cacko rom.
make sure to set a password for the zaurus and root user with the passwd command
comment out telnet, ftp and samba in /etc/inetd.conf and kill -HUP the inetd process
install the rsync ipkgs
ln -s /home/QtPalmtop/bin/rsync /usr/bin/rsync

Then you can sync your documents with a command from the desktop:

$ rsync -v --rsh="ssh -l zaurus" --size-only -r ~/doc/zaurus/* zaurus:~/Documents

The AmbiCom card I have works like a charm and isn't too terribly power hungry.

wireless hotspots: State College, PA 16801
Computer Building +
Hetzel Union Building +
Dees Texas Hot Dogs ?
Ale House ?
Irvings ?
Saints ?
that guy down the street who didn't lock down his wireless router ?

+ with Penn State vpn

? not confirmed

Our campus has wireless, but it uses a binary-only (Mac, Wintel, & Linux X86) Cisco VPN concentrator client. The following open source solution works on the SL-C7X0 & others:


I have ripped apart the various packages to create my own that works. The trick is to have a tun.o module that matches your kernel, and iproute that matches your libc. Make sure /dev/net/tun is an actual device and not a symlink.


Wireless network discovery, packet sniffing, wardriving/warwalking:

To use kismet from a konsole, add a wireless network named "Warwalk" in the network settings:
IP Address:
Subnet Mask:
Primary DNS:

Look through wlan-ng.opts to find the scheme name that matches Warwalk. Eg:

# more /etc/pcmcia/wlan-ng.opts


cardctl scheme CardResume
cardctl scheme qpewlan4
cardctl scheme default
video & audio

The Cacko ROM includes mplayer and the Kino2 mplayer GUI.

So now you have a robust personal media player (PMP) for playing mpeg4 video from your digital video recorder (DVR) MediaCenter or DVD collection on the go, and a stupid pet trick.

Making DVD movies small enough to fit on a flash disk is easy for Linux users with dvd::rip, or just transcode an AVI file and adjusting bitrate for smaller files:

normal aspect ratio for tv captures, 2-pass ffmpeg encoding:

$ transcode -i original.avi -x divx,mp3 -V -y ffmpeg,null -F mpeg4 -w 192,200,60 -Z 320x240 -J fps --export_fps 12 -b 64 -E 22050 -o zaurus.avi -R 1
$ transcode -i original.avi -x divx,mp3 -V -y ffmpeg -F mpeg4 -w 192,200,60 -Z 320x240 -J fps --export_fps 12 -b 64 -E 22050 -o zaurus.avi -R 2

widescreen aspect ratio w/ added black bars, 1-pass xvid encoding:

$ transcode -i original.avi -x divx,mp3 -V -y xvid4 -w 200,250,80 -Z 320x168 -J fps --export_fps 12 -b 32 -E 22050 -Y -36,0,-36,0 -o zaurus.avi

Windows users may find VirtualDub, FlaskMPEG or GordianKnot works for them.

Configure Kino2 on the Zaurus for: fullscreen, drop frames, direct access to frame buffer, enable overlay, enable doublebuffering, and enable QVGA mode. These settings, along with the encoding options, allow for fullscreen playback with the best frame rate vs. image quality vs. file size.


Doom fullscreen & networked in your hand with prboom, some wads, and the sdl libs: http://www.gnurou.org/software/zaurus/

super nintendo emulation

Play SNES roms on your zaurus with an sdl emulator:


/home/QtPalmtop/bin/snes9x -xs 320 -ys 240 -ns /home/zaurus/Documents/Rom_Files/Bust-a-Move.smc.gz

Don't forget to 'chmod +x bustamove.sh'.


[Desktop Entry]
Comment = snes9x
Exec = bustamove.sh
Icon = CustomizeKeys2
Name = Bust a Move

shift+[6-9] to save & [6-9] to load save states

other software

qpdf2 http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=84700&release_id=174932

keypebble vnc & other opie apps http://opie.handhelds.org/feed/sharprom/

rdesktop http://os.american-data.com/rdesktop/ports/qtrdesktop/

gaim 0.4 needs libpng fix http://qpe-gaim.sourceforge.net/

pgp/gpg http://killefiz.de/zaurus/showdetail.php?app=877

smbmount http://www.dasgehtdichnichtsan.de/zaurus/smbmount.html

python http://www.riverbankcomputing.co.uk/zaurus/

ZUG feed http://www.zaurususergroup.com/feed/

chess http://free.pages.at/uberger/zaurus/zknights_en.html
windows conectivity

I've never tried this
set PC Link on the Zaurus to "USB - I/O (default)"
plug the Zaurus into your desktop's USB port
Windows will recognize the new USB device and prompt for the location of the drivers
Select the Japanese CD-ROM containing the Sharp USB drivers that came with your Zaurus
grab the latest version of Intellisync: 5500v310U.zip
unzip and go to the directory "Pcsoft" then run setup.exe

You will have Outlook synchronization, file transfer, and by changing the Zaurus PC Link settings from "PC Link Setting" to "Storage", your desktop should automatically mount the SD/CF cards as drives.
other tips
click and hold on an apps icon to change launch settings like magnification and fastload
turrning off fastload will free up more memory
pressing Shift+Fn+c will grab a screenshot into Documents/Screen_Files
cross compiling

Sharp Zaurus SL-C750 Japanese ROM sources:

official zaurus.com toolchain:

install rpms with

alien -i package.rpm
on Debian unstable desktop system
kernel build

set up cross compiler environment variables:

# export PATH=/opt/Embedix/tools/bin:/opt/Qtopia/tmake/bin:$PATH
# export QPEDIR=/opt/Qtopia/sharp
# export QTDIR=/opt/Qtopia/sharp
# export TMAKEPATH=/opt/Qtopia/tmake/lib/qws/linux-x86-g++/
# #INCLUDEPATH += /opt/Qtopia/include
# #DEPENDPATH  += /opt/Qtopia/sharp/lib
# #TMAKE_CC=arm-linux-gcc
# #TMAKE_CXX=arm-linux-g++
# #TMAKE_LINK=arm-linux-g++
# #LIBS= -L/opt/Qtopia/sharp/lib -lqte

build the kernel:

# tar xjvf ../sharp/linux-c750-20030620-rom1_10.tar.bz2
# cd linux
# cp arch/arm/def-configs/shepherd .config
# patch -p1 < ../preempt-kernel-rml-2.4.18-5.patch
# bzip2 -d ../linux-c750-20031212.patch.bz2
# patch -p0 ../linux-c750-20031212.patch
# make oldconfig ARCH=arm
# make dep
# make clean
# make zImage

The new kernel is: linux/arch/arm/boot/zImage

compiler setup howto
preempt kernel patch
Piro patch sets with CPU & GPU overclock plus more
PDAir Zaurus Case
AmbiCom WL1100C Wireless LAN CF card
Lexar 256MB SD card
other accessories

Sharp Zaurus - Official Japanese Site

Dynamism - where I got my Zaurus with excellent warranty coverage

Zaurus Forums - the place to find info

Zaurus Software Index - the place to find software

Zaurus User Group - news, forums, reviews and other info

LinuxDevices article - on the SL-C750 & SL-C760

IpkgFind - software package search

Cacko Linux now pdaXrom - X Windows based Zaurus ROM

OpenZaurus - a complete open source rebuild of the Zaurus ROM
Updated: 2004-10-22         Home / Index         Gavin W. Burris - [email protected]
发表于 2005-4-11 20:03:54 | 显示全部楼层
好像有 open source的project的!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-4-19 00:10:42 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-4-27 11:48:03 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-4-28 20:27:14 | 显示全部楼层
能用 USB-Host 么?

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