该版的winex默认可以直接使用系统中的FreeType和XRender 库,提供系统中ttf字体的支持,不过根据自己系统中的字体需要相应修改一下配置文件:
;; Add font aliases here. On the left put the name of the windows font family
;; that you want to fake, on the right put the a similar font family that you
;; have installed. These will override the fontconfig and the WineX builtin fallbacks,
;; but may look better (if you choose them correctly).
;; Alias' may refer to other alias' that have been defined above them.
;; These alias' are the first that WineX loads.
;; Serif Fonts
"Times New Roman"="simsun"
"MS Serif"="Times New Roman"
;; Sans Serif Fonts
"MS Sans Serif"="simsun"