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发表于 2006-5-6 15:24:26
这是 Timidity 的配置说明:
timidity.cfg (5)
timidity.cfg - configure file of TiMidity++
The file timidity.cfg describes the runtime environments of timidity(1)
that are the path of sound font, instruments configrations or else.
TiMidity looks for the configuration file timidity.cfg at startup,
before processing any options. If it can't be accessed, and the
library path is changed with a -L option on the command line, then the
default file will be sought again along the new library path
after processing all options, unless another configuration file was
specified with the -c option.
Configuration files define the mapping of MIDI programs to instrument
files. Multiple files may be specified, and statements in later ones
will override earlier ones.
Following statements can be used in a configuration file:
dir directory
Adds directory to the search path in the same manner as the -L
command line option.
Archive file are also allowed. For example:
dir /usr/local/share/timidity/inst/foo.zip#
1 baz.pat
2 zoo.pat
0 bar.pat
At first, dir specities the archive name (followed by '#') for the path
of patch files same as directory name (in this case ,
"/usr/local/share/timidity/inst/foo.zip"). TiMidity recognize the path
is an archive file if the expression has the last character '#', and
also read the files contained in this archive file. In previouns exam-
ple the patch files bar.pat, baz.pat and zoo.pat contained in the
foo.zip are also installed.
source file
Reads another configuration file, then continues processing
the current one.
progbase 1 are specified, tone numbers that follow are setted
and displayed as the numbers from 1 to 128.
drumset number
Selects the drum set to modify. Patch mappings that follow
will affect this drum set.
number file [options]
Specifies that the the MIDI program number in the current tone
bank or drum set should be played using the patch file. options
may be any of the following:
Amplifies the instrument's volume by amplification per-
cent. If no value is specified, one will be automatically
determined whenever the instrument is loaded.
Specifies a fixed MIDI note to use when playing the
instrument. If note is 0, the instrument will be played
at whatever note the Note On event triggering it
has. For percussion instruments, if no value is specified
in the configuration file, the default in the patch file
will be used.
Sets the instrument's default panning. panning may be
left, right, center, or an nteger between -100 and 100,
designating full left and full right respectively. If
no value is specified, the default in the patch file
will be used. Note that panning controls in MIDI files
will override this value.
By default, percussion instruments have their loop and
envelope information stripped. Strangely shaped envelopes
are removed automatically from melodic instruments as
well. keep can be used to prevent stripping envelope or
loop data. For example, the Short and Long Whistle per-
cussion instruments (General Midi numbers 71 and 72) need
to have `keep=loop keep=env' specified in the configura-
tion file.
Force removal of loop or envelope information from all
patches in the instrument, or strip the tail, i.e. all
data after the loop. Some third-party instruments have
garbage after the loop, as evidenced by a clicking noise
whenever the instrument is played, so adding the
strip=tail option will markedly improve sound quality.
drumset 0
altassign 42 44 46
Note that alternate assign of drumset 0 is used by default.
#extension comm program secound
Specifies the comment comment for the tone number program.
These comments are displayed in the indicater line at the case
TiMidity is booted with option -int, -iTt.
#extension timeout program secound
Specifies the time-out value of the program. If any notes pro-
nounced with the tone number program are suspended more than
second seconds, TiMidity kills the notes.
#extension copydrumset drumset
Copies all settings of the drumset to the current drumset.
#extension copybank bank
Copies all settings of the bank to the current bank.
#extension HTTPproxy hostname:port
Specifies the proxy of the HTTP protocol. hostname and port are
of the proxy host's.
#extension FTPproxy hostname:port
Specifies the prox of the FTP protocol. Same as HTTP.
#extension mailaddr your-mail-address
Specifies user's mail address. This address is sended to the FTP
server if TiMidity access any file via FTp.
#extension opt [-]{option} [optarg]
Sets the value of boot-time options.
#extension undef progno
Undefine the tone progno of current tone bank.
These "#extension" statements are beginning with character '#' that is
the comment flag of old TiMidity(version 0.2i or earlier). So these
statememts are treated as comment line.
The latest TiMidity treats "#extension" as white-space. So you can omit
If any file-name expression ended with character '|' (Ascii 0x7c), the
file-name is treated as command and outputs of the command are also
examined as arguments of statements.
Copyright (C) 1999 Masanao Izumo <[email protected]> Copyright (C) 1995
Tuukka Toivonen <[email protected]>
Original version was developed under the name of Tuukka Toivonen
<[email protected]> until the version of TiMidity-0.2i. His development was
discontinued because of his busy work.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MER-
Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
The latest release is available on the TiMidity++ Page,
URL http://www.goice.co.jp/member/mo/timidity/
1.0.0 Nov 24 1998 timidity.cfg(5)
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