1. should be able to
2. check u /etc/inittab. try to run a mingetty, and check u /etc/pam.d/login. i did this long time ago. already forget. u can google some sites to do it.
tomorrow i can check my server in office if i still have stuff on thsi topic. but do not wait with hope.
yes, i checked it. u can use u /etc/inittab in u redhat or mdk or whatever as a reference, be sure to use mingetty or getty or whaterever u have for u target platform. with pam.d there. and /etc/pamd.d/login there. and u /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow there.
u should check some document (especially on pam) to know how to enable this login prompt. i already forget the detail. i am now using a rootfs provided by my friend and feel good. so lazy to recheck it.