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/zt/反病毒软件RAV被微软收购 Linux版本遭灾

发表于 2003-6-12 18:25:20 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

  业界观察家一直在关注微软此举的真实意图,RAV是Linux平台上Email服务器病毒扫描工具中的佼佼者,占有统治地位,而Linux及其Email服务器是Windows和它的Exchange的死敌。微软此举的用心可谓“司马昭之心,路人皆知” ,因而RAV的Linux版很可能要面临灭顶之灾。可笑的是,按照微软的说法,他们是看中了GeCAD的反病毒引擎的强大功能和GeCAD优秀的程序员们。

  德国马德格堡大学反病毒专家Andreas Marx表示,他搞不懂微软为什么要并购一家Linux公司,GeCAD公司的Windows产品规模确实比Linux产品小得多。Andreas Marx还认为GeCAD是最好的Linux反病毒软件公司,并预测这将是对Linux用户的一个打击。
发表于 2003-6-12 18:38:51 | 显示全部楼层
没什么,会有人给LINUX写ANTI VIRUS软件的,LINUX上面就是没什么写什么

使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-6-12 19:45:14 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-6-13 20:05:16 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-6-14 17:46:29 | 显示全部楼层

小事一桩 !!

                   AntiVir SAVAPI for UNIX - Version 1.0

                 Copyright 2002 by H+BEDV Datentechnik GmbH

                 http://www.hbedv.com           <-- english
                 deutsch -->          http://www.antivir.de

Secure AntiVirus Application Programming Interface (SAVAPI)

SAVAPI 才是最为优秀的技术 !!!

rav 算老几   ?????



使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-6-14 17:47:08 | 显示全部楼层

What is AntiVir SAVAPI for UNIX?

AntiVir SAVAPI for UNIX is an anti-virus interface that
allows you to develop your own applications utilizing
the AntiVir scanning engine.

AntiVir runs as a background daemon. An application is
able to connect up to the daemon using UNIX local sockets
whereby it can configure and utilize the daemon's scanning
engine using the SAVAPI protocol.

AntiVir SAVAPI also includes an automatic internet
updater, which allows the engine to be automatically
kept up-to-date.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-6-14 17:57:18 | 显示全部楼层


Secure AntiVirus Application Programming Interface

Secure AntiVirus Application Programming Interface (SAVAPI) is a function library, which enables a simple integration of anti-virus functionality into the products of other manufacturers.

SAVAPI is equally interesting for developers such as final users. It offers some interesting and powerful functions around computer viruses in almost all file types detects and to remove to be able. SAVAPI be based on our well-known AntiVir - technology and therefore offers, which concerns virus recognition and distance, same performance data as our own products. Target is it to offer our customers or third manufacturers a possibility in order to be able to merge very simply anti-virus functionality into own applications. Typical examples of such applications are:

          o · E-Mail gateway
          o · WWW/Ftp Proxys
          o · Firewalls
          o · Baking UP programs
          o · Luggage programs

SAVAPI is available under the Platform Win32 (Windows 95, 98, NT) as dynamic left LIBRARY (DLL), while it concerns under Novell NetWare a LIBRARY NLM. The applications at present the available into the SAVAPI is already integrated find you here.

Advantages by SAVAPI

The application of a Scan library (DLL scanner) like SAVAPI brings some advantages with itself, which are to be described here more exactly in relation to the application of a command line scanner:
Many applications, into which an anti-virus functionality is integrated, start the command line scanner of a foreign manufacturer, in order to let the appropriate file search. This methodology brings however some system-dependent problems and limitations with itself:

Start of a DOS box

Many of the today's operating systems (e.g. Windows NT) must for the start of a command line scanner only a DOS box (prompt) start. For all abundance still another if DOS scanner and no reinrassiger Win32 scanner are used, each time still another whole number of system DLLs as well as COMMAND.COM must be loaded and started. This does not mean a performance disadvantage which can be neglected opposite SAVAPI, since this gets along completely without DOS box and runs directly within the process area of the calling application. The processing of only one call can take place thus immediately and without any delay.

Speed of operation

A command line scanner must be loaded and initialized for everyone file which can be searched completely again from the physical data carriering, before it can search it. Apart from the actual loading procedure and the mandatory self examination likewise still the virus definition file (size must approx.. 700 KB to approx. 1,5MB) to be read in, decoded, the Hashtabellen structured and filled. Possibly still additional tests come linked by license files, memory, boat and master boat sectors with any integrity tests in addition. With nowadays approx.. 30000 of look-up ring and various other data structures can imagine you that this several seconds can last. The initialization does not mean to neglect thus one performance loss for everyone file which can be searched. If we assume actual searching of the file only approx.. , is the time for the pure initialization takes 50 milliseconds thus the by far larger section.

With SAVAPI the Overhead for everyone amounts file which can be searched to zero! SAVAPI initialize yourself with the start of the actual application only once all the following calls to the actual search engine without further initialization directly into the SAVAPI function library are then led. Also no command line window or like is needed, since the SAVAPI functions are called directly by the application. SAVAPI can react thereby to instruction for searching a file immediately and without any delay; a call for searching a file needs thus exactly those approx.. 50 Milisekunden and no more. They can figure out that thereby speed of operation rises around 1000 to 3000 per cent.

Storage requirement

When starting and the initialization of a command line scanner the normally following work procedures are executed: Loading and starting of the program tape, reload and initialize the search engines, reload, decompress and decode the virus definitions as well as create all other data structures. All this needs precious primary storage. With nowadays approx.. 30000 of look-up ring is needed so more than 2 MT for each instance of the scanner. In multitasking systems however typically several hundred files are parallel processed, which can increase the storage requirement alone for the scanner to several hundred megabytes.

Because SAVAPI holds only one, multi threading capable copy of its virus definitions and its program code in the memory, needs it per file only minimum additional primary storage which can be searched. Only the local Thread data for each individual Client Thread to be created, need still additional memory. These are normally approx.. 20,-50 KB per Client Thread, which brings an enormous resource saving and again performance advantages with itself.

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