I mistakenly ran following commands[code:1]
cat >/etc/sysconfig/console <<"EOF"
KEYMAP="[arguments for loadkeys]"
FONT="[arguments for setfont]"
EOF[/code:1]resulting in the /etc/sysconfig/console replaced.
Keymap preferred = American English
Font = standard font
Went through following sections without problem except those stated
6.15. Coreutils-5.2.1
6.16. Zlib-1.2.2
6.17. Mktemp-1.5
6.18. Iana-Etc-1.04
6.19. Findutils-4.2.23
6.19. Findutils-4.2.23
6.21. Ncurses-5.4
6.22. Readline-5.0
6.23. Vim-6.3
6.24. M4-1.4.3
6.25. Bison-2.0
6.26. Less-382
6.27. Groff-1.19.1
6.28. Sed-4.1.4
6.29. Flex-2.5.31
6.30. Gettext-0.14.3
6.31. Inetutils-1.4.2
6.32. IPRoute2-2.6.11-050330
6.43. E2fsprogs-1.37
I supposed to run following commands on the directory of e2fsprogs-1.37
root:/sources# cd e2fsprogs-1.37
root:/sources/e2fsprogs-1.37# sed -i -e 's/-DTEST/$(ALL_CFLAGS) &/' lib/e2p/Makefile.in
Tried on sources/ directory
root:/sources/e2fsprogs-1.37# cd ..
root:/sources# sed -i -e 's/-DTEST/$(ALL_CFLAGS) &/' lib/e2p/Makefile.in[code:1]
sed: can't read lib/e2p/Makefile.in: No such file or directory[/code:1]
root:/sources# cd e2fsprogs-1.37
root:/sources/e2fsprogs-1.37# mkdir build
root:/sources/e2fsprogs-1.37# cd build
root:/sources/e2fsprogs-1.37/build# ../configure --prefix=/usr --with-root-prefix="" \
> --enable-elf-shlibs --disable-evms
root:/sources/e2fsprogs-1.37/build# make
root:/sources/e2fsprogs-1.37/build# make install
root:/sources/e2fsprogs-1.37/build# make install-libs
All went throught without complaint
root:/sources/hotplug-2004_09_23# cd ..
root:/sources# cd man-1.5p
root:/sources/man-1.5p# sed -i 's@-is@&R@g' configure
root:/sources/man-1.5p# sed -i 's@MANPATH./usr/man@#&@g' src/man.conf.in
root:/sources/man-1.5p# ./configure -confdir=/etc
root:/sources/man-1.5p# make
root:/sources/man-1.5p# make install
Started another Console
[satimis@localhost ~]$ nano /mnt/lfs/etc/man.conf
NROFF /usr/bin/nroff -Tlatin1 -mandoc
6.54. Shadow-4.0.9 http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/ ... apter06/shadow.html
6.54.2. Configuring Shadow
root:/sources/shadow-4.0.9# pwconv
(No printout)
root:/sources/shadow-4.0.9# grpconv
(hanging for long time until pressing [Ctrl]+c to stop it
6.62. Cleaning Up
Re - Note[code:1]
Removing /tools will also remove the temporary copies of Tcl, Expect, and DejaGNU which were used for running the toolchain tests. If you need these programs later on, they will need to be recompiled and re-installed. The BLFS book has instructions for this (see http://www.linuxfromscratch.org/blfs/).[/code:1]
I retained /tools for the time being
7.2. LFS-Bootscripts-3.2.1
7.5. Configuring the setclock Script
Please advise how to proceed further? Jump to Section 7.8. Creating the /etc/inputrc File?
root:/sources/perl-5.8.6# ./configure.gnu --prefix=/usr -Dpager="/bin/less -isR"
root:/sources/perl-5.8.6# make
Fix the problem and remake the perl
I mistakenly ran following commands
cat >/etc/sysconfig/console <<"EOF"
KEYMAP="[arguments for loadkeys]"
FONT="[arguments for setfont]"
resulting in the /etc/sysconfig/console replaced.
Keymap preferred = American English
Font = standard font