BIOS设置:增强模式,configure SATA as IDE 或者兼容模式,SATA Pri,PATA Sec,均可正常安装MGC2.0
welcome to test Magic linux 2.1......0727
Starting UDEV [OK]
Probing SCSI Device [None]
System is going to reboot
BIOS设置:兼容模式,只要选择PATA only或者PATA Pri SATA Sec,系统无法启动;选择SATA Pri,PATA Sec,自动推出安装。
BIOS设置:只有兼容模式,SATA only 才可以正常安装MGC2.1。依次显示
welcome to test Magic linux 2.1......0727
Starting UDEV [OK]
Probing SCSI Device [None]
Mount /dev/hda1...6
然后就正常安装了。但是,只要不选择安装GRUB 到MBR,依然无法启动linux。
This command will install the GRUB boot loader on the Master Boot Record (MBR) of the first drive. If you want to put GRUB into the boot sector of a partition instead of putting it in the MBR, specify the partition into which you want to install GRUB:
grub> setup (hd0,0)
If you install GRUB into a partition or a drive other than the first one, you must chain-load GRUB from another boot loader. Refer to the manual for the boot loader to know how to chain-load GRUB.
如果安装到 一个分区的FBR的话,需要chain-load GRUB from another boot loader.
设置active分区,就是告诉普通的MBR chain-load 哪个分区的FBR。因为普通的MBR就是靠active标记来决定的。