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[招聘]Aragon Consulting Group

发表于 2008-9-11 15:02:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
有兴趣的同学就投简历给我啊,[email protected]
高级工程师的税前月薪在 1.0~1.5 万 的幅度,入职即签劳动合同,法定保险都会买。现在公司在北京,四环西南角,科丰桥旁边,但是计划年底在上地开辟新办公室。
ACG 的网址: http://www.aragoncg.com


Software Engineer (QE)
• Work with cross-functional project team to understand the requirements
• Develop & execute test cases
• Participate in product documentation, online Help, and UI terminology reviews
• Update the test cases as and when needed
• Execute automated tests and maintain
• Find defects & log in the bug tracking system
• Work with various cross-functional teams to ensure that the defect gets closed
• Take up ownership of the assigned area under test
Required Skills
• Bachelors degree in Computer Science or related field with about 18 months (13-30 months) of relevant experience
• Good understanding of Quality processes and methodologies
• Ability to develop test cases
• Must be detail-oriented
• Excellent communication and organizational skills
• Technical knowledge including:
o Working knowledge of Windows or Linux OSs. Mac OS
o Basic systems administration (installing and configuring operating systems and hardware)
o Good software engineering practices
o Software development lifecycle principles
o Programming abilities in any of the languages
o Knowledge of automation, database concepts
o Familiarity with any of the automation tools
o Ability to troubleshoot
• Team player – ability to work effectively in a team-oriented environment

Senior Software Engineer (Automation QE)
• Work with cross-functional project team to understand the requirements
• Ensure that the product meets the stated & implied needs
• Develop & execute automation test cases
• Participate in product documentation, online Help, and UI terminology reviews
• Update the test cases as and when needed
• Find defects & log in the bug tracking system
• Work with various cross-functional teams to ensure that the defect gets closed
• Take up ownership of the automation for the assigned area under test
Required Skills
• Bachelors degree in Computer Science or related field with about 3 years (31 – 54 months) of relevant experience
• Good understanding of Quality processes and methodologies
• Ability to develop test cases and test matrix from engineering design docs
• Must be detail-oriented
• Excellent communication and organizational skills
• Should have excellent Analytical skills
• Technical knowledge including:
o Working knowledge of Windows or Linux OSs. Mac OS
o Basic systems administration (installing and configuring operating systems and hardware)
o Good software engineering practices
o Software development lifecycle principles
o Programming abilities in any of the languages
o Knowledge of automation, database concepts
o Familiarity with any of the automation tools
o Ability to troubleshoot
• Team player – ability to work effectively in a team-oriented environment
• Ability to work cooperatively and proactively with staff inside and outside of the department
• Knowledge of UI designs / Web2.0
• Experience developing UI automation using one or more of the following tools: Silk Test / win Runner / Selenium etc
• Working knowledge of shell scripting is a plus
• Working knowledge of Perl or other scripting language is a plus

Principal Software Engineer (QE)
• Work with the cross-functional project teams to review project requirements, plans and specs
• Review product documentation for technical accuracy
• Ensure that the product meets the stated & implied needs
• Design, develop & execute test cases
• Develop and execute test automation scripts
• Verify/File bug reports and work with developers to reproduce and troubleshoot problems
• Participate in design and code reviews
• Actively participate in technical discussions & knowledge share sessions
• Take up ownership of the module
• Setting up the Test Environment
• Use Case scenarios
Required Skills
• 4.5+ years (55 – 66 months) of relevant experience with Desktop and/or client/server related applications.
• Bachelors degree in Computer Science or related field
• In-depth understanding of Development and QA processes and methodologies
• Excellent communication and organization skills.
• Ability to design test cases, test matrix
• Ability to develop test cases from Engineering Design specs.
• Should have excellent Analytical & Troubleshooting skills
• Ability to work effectively in a team-oriented environment.
• Ability to work cooperatively and productively with staff inside and outside of the department
• Technical knowledge including:
o Working knowledge of Windows or Linux OSs. Mac OS
o Should be able to install and configure the product under test across various operating systems and hardware.
o Excellent Programming abilities in any of the languages
o Working knowledge of AppleScript, Perl or other scripting languages.
o Good Knowledge of automation, database concepts
o Familiarity with any of the automation tools lie QTP, Silk, Win runner, Selenium & Test Harness
o Should have knowledge on doing script based automation as well,
o Should have working experience in automation frameworks; for automation Lead position...
Nice to Have Skills
• Working Knowledge of UI designs / Web2.0
• Knowledge of Configuration Management
• Knowledge of Test Automation Framework Designs
 楼主| 发表于 2008-9-11 15:02:14 | 显示全部楼层
Linux SA
  * 熟悉至少一个 Linux 发行版
* 熟悉各种服务器端软件 (如, Apache, Nginx, Postgre/MySQL) 的配置/调优/维护
* 熟悉至少一种虚拟化技术, 如: OpenVZ, Xen, KVM, VMWare, Virtualbox
  * 具备很强的脚本/编程能力. 能流畅应用至少一门脚本语言, 如: Shell 脚本/Python/Perl
  * 具备很强的问题分析/解决能力
* 具备优异的沟通能力 (英语流畅者优先)
  * 具备良好的写作归档习惯
* Familiar with at least one Linux distribution
  * Familiar with server side applications (such as Apache, Nginx,
   Postgre/MySQL) configuring/tweaking/maintaning
  * Familiar with at least one of these virtualization technologies:
   OpenVZ, Xen, KVM, VMWare, Virtualbox
  * Strong scripting/programming skills. Fluent in at least one of
   these scripting languages: Shell script/Python/Perl.
  * Troubleshooting. Strong experience in problem analyzing and solving.
  * Outstanding communication abilities (Fluent English is preferred)
  * Strong documentation practices

Software Eingneer (Java)
1. 精通servlet、JSP、Struts、Spring 、hibenate,熟悉UML、XML、HTML、JAVASCRIPT、CSS等技术;
2. 熟悉Oracle/Sybase/SQLServer等主流数据库管理系统,相关技术及工具,至少熟悉其中一种;
3. 熟悉Weblogic/Websphere/Jboss等主流中间件;
4. 对设计模式具有深入的理解和使用,熟练的使用UML建模工具;具有一定的重构和单元测试实践经验者优先考虑;
5. 至少3年Java软件工程师工作经验;
6. 具有良好的英语阅读和表达能力;
7. 较强的表达和沟通能力、能够承担工作压力,具备创新性思维、具备团队精神。

Senior Software Engineer (Java)
1. 参与过3个以上的大型项目设计、实施工作,熟悉相关的项目管理流程以及熟悉常用的软件体系结构;
2. 具有5年以上的编程经验,具有面向对象的编程思想;
4. 熟悉Weblogic/Websphere/Jboss等主流中间件;
5. 熟悉XML、Socket、Ajax、HTML、Javascript等相关编程技术;
6. 熟悉Oracle、SQL Server、My SQL等相关数据库;
7. 具有良好的英语阅读和表达能力;
8. 具有良好的文档编写能力;
9. 较强的表达和沟通能力、能够承担工作压力,具备创新性思维、具备团队精神;

Software Engineer (Javascript)
1. 配合html原型,使用javascript制作各种效果
2. 配合各项目组,制作通用的javascript组件
3. 负责页面动态效果的设计和开发工作
1. 精通javascript,css,xhtml
2. 精通JavaScript,有JavaScript两年实际开发经验者优
3. 精通XML/DOM,有IE,FireFox,Opera等跨平台开发经验者优先

Software Engineer (PHP)
Job Description
1. 对软件工程的相关知识有一定了解;对面向对象开发有较深的理解;
2. 具备快速/独立的学习能力和思考能力;
3. 善于沟通,理解团队工作的好处,享受团队作战的乐趣;
4. 具备良好的英语沟通能力。
1. 熟练掌握PHP语言,熟悉相关的各种 libraries,对其中一些 libraries 有实际的应用经验;
2. 熟悉使用一种基于MVC的php框架(zend,cakephp等等)
3. 良好的关系数据库基础,熟悉至少一种商品化关系数据库产品;
4. 有相关的WEB开发经验。
1. 掌握一到两门其它的WEB编程语言;
2. 熟悉 MVC pattern (plus: 能用自己最擅长的语言简单模拟一个 MVC 实现);
3. 熟悉 HTTP互联网协议;
4. 熟悉 HTML/CSS/Javascript, 能在工具/文档的帮助下完成项目界面需求 (plus: 能手写出干净的 HTML/CSS layout 以及 Javascript; 理解 Ajax, 有过 Ajax 的开发经验);
5. 熟悉表单处理。

Software Engineer (HTML)
3.对其非熟练语言/工具有一定的了解和把握, 有自己一定的理解和比较;
4.具备快速/独立的学习能力, 我们不要求空泛的 "精通", 而是在需要的时候, 能够通过自我学习, 快速地进行专项深入, 解决项目所需;
5.善于沟通, 理解团队工作的好处, 享受团队作战的乐趣;
8. 需要心细的女孩
1.对W3C网页标准(Web Standards)有较深理解,要求用DIV+CSS制作网站页面;
1.配合页面架构(Web Architect),完成页面制作(Page Builder);
2.其上游是页面设计(Web Designer),下游是网站程序员(Programmer);

Junior Engineer (Python)

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