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发表于 2004-6-10 23:59:54 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式






看看windows软件某某for98 以后
再看看linux某某软件给deban, Rh 7,8,9, Suse 7,8,9一堆rpm

发表于 2004-6-11 00:19:20 | 显示全部楼层

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-6-11 00:21:18 | 显示全部楼层
rpm -qa | grep  包的部分名字
rpm -qa | grep eal
rpm -ql RealPlayer
rpm -e RealPlayer
如果是从源代码的有点麻烦了,有可能用make uninstall,也有可能只能自己找了path,所以RPM好啊

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发表于 2004-6-11 00:42:56 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2004-6-11 01:20:24 | 显示全部楼层
如果你玩不来 Linux,那就只能被 Linux 玩。就这么简单,自己看着办吧

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-11 01:48:49 | 显示全部楼层

what and what

What is play Linux or played by Linux? That sentence is a useless 1+1=2
What I am talking is we can not just looking at Linux with a religious view. It has its advantage and also has its problem.
From a user's view, Linux is not a system that easy to be used. If Linux does want to develop it must change some things such as that bloody relying RPM package system.

Also, I want to discuss about what is the real free when we are using software, no matter you are an end user or a developer.

PS: ferlyworld, thanks so much for your help and for your kind attitude.

Sorry, I still have not found how to input Chinese characters under Mandrake Linux 10, so have to write in English.

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-6-11 09:06:53 | 显示全部楼层
RPM 很烂, 又偏偏被你遇上. 装 Debian 吧, 装程序从来不是问题.


使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-6-11 09:24:33 | 显示全部楼层
Hi, angryorca, I've decided to post this thread in English though I
can use Chinese Input smoothly under my Gentoo Linux.

I must say, you are new to linux, am I right? And the most important
thing that makes you uncomfortable with linux is that: you're
looking into linux THROUGH a Window

That's the nature of the people who try to migrate from windows to
linux, I was one of them the first time I touched Redhat. So what we
need is sit down, relax and be patient, I'm going to tell you some
more things about linux, trying my best to make things simple and
direct to the points.

And here are a serial of articles from IBM developerworks, they're
well written for beginners of Linux, expecially for windows users

1. Chinese Input Method:

Nowadays, many linux distros are good at i18n, you shouldn't have
any problem with CIM. if you setup the system language to Chinese
during the installation time. For instance, you can simply 'Ctrl +
Space' to activate/de-activate CIM under Fedora Core 2 once you get
it up and run.

When you have some more experience with Linux, you could choose
the right CIM to fit your own need. Just:

(1) Unintall the current CIM with, for instance, Fedora: rpm -e [pkg]
(2) Install the CIM you like: rpm -i [pkg]
(3) A little tweak here: change three environment variables in your
profile (/etc/profile or ~/.bashrc, etc.), those env-vars are aiming at
one thing: tell the system what CIM to  activate once you 'Ctrl +
Space', here's the sample code, sure, you can simply skip this part

export XMODIFIERS=@im=fcitx
export XIM=fcitx
export XIM_PROGRAM=fcitx

fcitx is the CIM I use.

2. Packages Management

First of all, the major differance between windows and linux is their
Filesystem Hierarchy.

Windows: we have C:\, D:\, E:\...
Linux: we have /usr, /home, /bin...

It would be quite 'confused' for a lot of  windows people. However,
after reading this, you should have a clear view of the linux/unix
Filesystem Hierarchy. For more information, please visit the official
website of the File Hierarchy Standard.

Let's focus on pkgs management.

. Windows: pkg-oriented - each software has a folder of its own, for
instance, C:\Program Files\Foo\; has manual of its own - C:\Program

. Linux: system-oriented - each pkg will be integrated into the
system. That is, its executable binaries are integrated into 'bin'
folders like /bin, /usr/bin, /usr/local/bin (common pkgs stay in the
/usr/bin and /usr/local/bin), its man pages are integrated into system
wide man page folders /usr/share/man, and libs are integrated into
some 'lib' folder like /usr/lib. One of the most advantage of doing so
is that, you can man page everywhere without running the pkg.

You are haveing a whole system with a lot of integrated TOOLs under
linux/unix, while you're having a system with a lot of separated
Softwares under windows.

Then, we might ask, how could we probably know where the hell all
these 'bin's, 'man's, 'lib's bla bla go?? Well, that's what a linux pkg
management system like 'rpm' will manage for you!

'rpm' system knows where to lay down all those stuffs, keeps them
well organized and remember them during pkg installation (rpm -i).
Once you intend to remove a pkg, just simply 'rpm -e' then the 'rpm'
system will do all the dirty works for you: it removes all those stuffs
of the pkg, and your system is very clean!

What's more, if you decide to manually build and install pkg from
source, just follow the pkg's README, install it. Once you would like
to remove this pkg, just 'locate [pkg]', find out all the stuffs belong
to the pkg, go to the directories, simply delete all of them, and
not even a piece of garbage will be left without YOUR PERMISSION!

And, what if the pkg is depended by other pkgs? Yeah, that's what
again the pkg management system will solve for you!

(If you're an advance user, you could hold a piece of tracking log
paper to track all those pkgs you manually installed

The central spirit of linux/unix system is that: everything is file (even
your hardware devices are mapped to /dev !). No anything like
windows registry -- your system will be totally clean up after you
simply delete all the files of any pkg!

Here is the conclusion:

1. There will be NO FREEDOM if you try to ride A Moter Bike as it
was a Bike or a HORSE!

2. If you REALLY want to get closer to Linux, Please, be patient and
be ready to learn new things that might be totally different from
windows. Or, just stay there with your most familiar system and
focus on getting jobs done with computer.


If anyone thinks it's useful, could anyone help me to translate it to
Chinese, at least it is a not so short tutorial, hehe

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-6-11 12:49:24 | 显示全部楼层
楼主的问题是不会用urpmi。真是愧对Mandrakelinux用户这个头衔。你用urpmi abc.mdk.i586.rpm 就可以自动安装了,缺啥系统会自动帮你装好的。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-6-11 15:18:19 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2004-6-12 02:07:58 | 显示全部楼层

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发表于 2004-6-12 02:19:27 | 显示全部楼层

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 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-12 04:57:03 | 显示全部楼层

Finally, some body has notified what I did talk about.

Sorry. I have to go on using English.
I have found the Chinese input method under Mandrake Linux but it caused the Epiphany to crash twice and I lost twice the content I had typed.

I memtioned the RPM when I post the message only because it did give me a high impression but I only wanted to use it as an example of showing you my feeling.

I may type in Chinese under Windows tomorrow to talk something more if I can get some time. It's a bit ironic.

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发表于 2004-6-12 11:47:06 | 显示全部楼层
It's not a matter of freedom at all。
You  seemed to be cynical .
Then you need more patience and tolerance especially firstly approach new things.

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2004-6-12 18:06:55 | 显示全部楼层

To Cure, 巨感谢你写了这么多。:-)

To mandrakechina, 我本来就没有你说的那个头衔啊。况且我装Mandrake Linux在机器上也就是1个星期,有什么事情不知道也是很正常的啊。就算是用了10年的系统(for example windows) 咱也还是有很多很多很多不知道的事情。

To EricNeon, 系统是拿来用的,不是拿来折磨自己的。如果我需要每天泡在社团,泡上半年才能学会使用Linux,那么请你给我一个我需要这么做的理由先。

To athlonxhy,  驾驭系统的自由本是我想讨论的事情。It IS a matter of freedom. 虽然我现在感觉比我发第一个贴的时候还要郁闷那么一些。


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